Wishbone Medical, Inc. Announces Rollout Plans for the First Ever Single-Use Growth Control Plating Procedure Kit for Kids in Sterile Packaging
10. September 2019 08:00 ET
WishBone Medical, Inc.
WARSAW, Ind., Sept. 10, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WishBone Medical is proud to introduce the first and only growth control plating system in the world, offered as a complete, single-use procedure kit...
WishBone Medical’s response to OrthoPediatrics press release
03. Januar 2019 19:26 ET
WishBone Medical, Inc.
WARSAW, Ind., Jan. 03, 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The following is a statement by WishBone Medical: “Both the motion and OrthoPediatrics’ case as a whole are without merit and OP knows it. OP is...
WishBone Medical, Inc. signs licensing agreement for the Guided Growth Plate
14. Dezember 2018 08:00 ET
WishBone Medical, Inc.
WARSAW, Ind., Dec. 14, 2018 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- WishBone Medical, Inc. has been granted a global, non-exclusive license for the sale of a patented guided growth plating system in children with...