
DigiNext Film Series Opens Running America in Theaters on May 3
29. April 2013 14:11 ET
Diginext LLC
Documentary Follows the Unpredictable Journey of Two Ultra-Marathoners Over 3,000 Miles From San Francisco, CA to Times Square, NY
30% of Ticket Sales Will Go to OneFundBoston to Aid Victims of...

Eye Opening Documentary Cut Poison Burn Premiers in Washington D.C., March 29th, 2012 Highlighting Gaps in Access to Medical Treatment Freedom
19. März 2012 12:23 ET
Nehst Studios
New York, NY, March 19, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the tagline "In the war on cancer, the disease is only half the battle"; Cut Poison Burn has sparked a growing following of patients,...

Eye Opening Documentary Cut Poison Burn Premiers in Jackson, MS
20. Januar 2012 16:24 ET
Nehst Studios
New York, NY, Jan. 20, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- With the tagline "In the war on cancer, the disease is only half the battle". Cut Poison Burn is poised to create a revolution by exposing the truth...