21st Annual NRC Picker Patient-Centered Care Symposium Convenes in Nation's Capital; American College of Healthcare Executives Faculty Member Jake Poore to Deliver Keynote
08. September 2015 07:05 ET
National Research Corporation
WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Healthcare innovators from around the world will soon gather together for the 21st Annual NRC Picker Patient-Centered Care Symposium at the Marriott...
20th Annual NRC Picker Patient-Centered Care Symposium highlights how rapid healthcare changes impact staff engagement and influence the patient experience through inspiring, action-oriented topics
23. Juli 2014 07:08 ET
National Research Corporation
SAN DIEGO, July 23, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Healthcare innovators from around the world will soon gather together for the 20th Annual NRC Picker Patient-Centered Care Symposium at the San Diego...