US Payments Forum Webinar: Expanding Transit Open Payments Use Cases Through Fare Programs
16. Mai 2024 08:00 ET
U.S. Payments Forum
Registration is open for the USPF webinar on expanding transit open payments use cases through fare programs.
U.S. Payments Forum Webinar Shares Messaging Strategies for Accelerating Customer Adoption of Transit Open Payments
15. November 2022 10:04 ET
U.S. Payments Forum
REDWOOD CITY, Calif., Nov. 15, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The U.S. Payments Forum, an integral part of the Secure Technology Alliance, today announced an upcoming webinar titled “Customer Messaging...
US Payments Forum Virtual Education Series to Provide Primer on Dual-Interface Card Issuance
01. Oktober 2020 08:00 ET
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Oct. 01, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Major payments networks and processors are reporting that contactless adoption is on the rise in the U.S. To help issuers working to meet...
US Payments Forum Provides First in Series of Technical Frameworks for Implementing EMV Contactless Open Payments in Transit
10. Oktober 2017 12:01 ET
U.S. Payments Forum
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Oct. 10, 2017 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As U.S. and Canadian transit markets look to move to open payments systems in today’s EMV chip environment, they have unique transaction...