Women Stand to Lose $900,000 in Lifetime Earnings — Payscale’s Gender Pay Gap Report Shows
14. März 2023 09:00 ET | Payscale
Women lose out on nearly a million dollars in earnings over their lifetimes due to the uncontrolled gender pay gap.Jobs with the largest gender pay gaps span an array of professions, including...
PayScale Predicts the Gender Pay Gap Will Widen Post Pandemic if Companies Don’t Invest in Pay Equity Now
24. März 2021 09:00 ET | PayScale
In 2021, women earn $0.82 for every $1 men earn when comparing all women to all men and $0.98 when controlling for job title, experience, location, and other compensable factors.As women face...
PayScale Empowers Businesses to Address Pay Equity in Partnership with the USC Race and Equity Center
22. September 2020 08:59 ET | PayScale; USC Race and Equity Center
PayScale’s compensation management software enables organizations to identify pay gaps and monitor and maintain pay equity with advanced analyticsThe USC Race and Equity Center will provide advisory...