Le premier portrait statistique de l’économie sociale au Québec révèle le loisir comme un des secteurs d’importance
30. April 2019 11:28 ET | Conseil québécois du loisir
MONTRÉAL, 30 avr. 2019 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le Conseil québécois du loisir salue la publication de L’économie sociale au Québec – Portrait statistique 2016 qui met en lumière l’importance de...
Canadian Institute of Planners logo (English)
Will your favourite place have bragging rights as one of Canada's Great Places?
02. Juli 2014 09:06 ET | Canadian Institute of Planners
CALGARY, AB, July 2, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The fourth Great Places in Canada competition is under way with Kensington in Calgary, Alberta and Îles de la Madeleine in Quebec as contestants for...
Canadian Institute of Planners logo (English)
What locations will be named this year's Great Places in Canada?
22. Mai 2014 09:46 ET | Canadian Institute of Planners
OTTAWA, May 22, 2014 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The race is on! What locations will be named this year's Great Places in Canada? Where do you like to hang out? Is there a street, neighbourhood or...