Nous combattrons les tarifs injustes
Le Syndicat des Métallos condamne les tarifs insensés de Donald Trump sur l'acier et l'aluminium canadiens
10. Februar 2025 12:31 ET | Le Syndicat des Métallos
TORONTO, 10 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Le Syndicat des Métallos condamne fermement le plan du président américain Donald Trump d'imposer des tarifs de 25 % sur toutes les importations...
United Steelworkers union condemns Trump’s reckless tariffs on Canadian steel and aluminum
10. Februar 2025 12:31 ET | United Steelworkers union
We’ve been through this before. We know these reckless trade measures don’t work, and hurt workers, destabilize industries and create uncertainty.
A group of people in winter clothing standing together outdoors, with their fists held up in a so fists held up to show solidarity.
USW Local 8328 members ratify new agreement after one-month employer lockout
06. Februar 2025 10:49 ET | United Steelworkers union
After a four-week lockout, members of USW Local 8328 have a new collective agreement with good gains in wages and more.
Les Métallos concluent une entente de principe avec CPKC
06. Februar 2025 08:20 ET | United Steelworkers union
CALGARY, Alberta et MONTRÉAL, 06 févr. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- La section locale 1976 du Syndicat des Métallos, qui représente 600 travailleur.euse.s de CPKC à travers tout le Canada, a...
United Steelworkers union reaches new national agreement with CPKC
06. Februar 2025 08:20 ET | United Steelworkers union
The United Steelworkers union (USW) Local 1976 has reached a new tentative agreement with Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC), covering 600 workers.
United Steelworkers union supports NDP’s plan to strengthen domestic procurement rules and enact aggressive countermeasures to tackle tariff threat
30. Januar 2025 14:16 ET | United Steelworkers union
The United Steelworkers union (USW) is voicing its support for the NDP’s new plan of an aggressive national response to Trump administration’s tariffs
Workers win at Vale Long Harbour with Yes vote to join the USW
28. Januar 2025 10:57 ET | United Steelworkers union
“We’re happy to finally be heard and have a seat at the table. It’s about time that we joined the rest of the USW family."
Steelworkers endorse Ontario NDP in untimely election
28. Januar 2025 09:11 ET | United Steelworkers union
Marit Stiles is the best choice for Premier. Other party leaders put on hard hats and pretend they support workers; but only Marit truly has our backs.
Les membres des sections locales 7940 et 8794 des Métallos ont entériné des nouveaux contrats de travail de cinq ans.
Les sections locales 7940 et 8794 des Métallos ratifient une nouvelle convention collective avec Ivaco Rolling Mills
22. Januar 2025 11:37 ET | United Steelworkers union
L’ORIGNAL, Ontario, 22 janv. 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Les membres des sections locales 7940 et 8794 du Syndicat des Métallos (Métallos) ont obtenu d’importantes améliorations dans les nouvelles...
Eleven people are standing in a room with a United Steelworkers logo behind them.
United Steelworkers Locals 7940 and 8794 Ratify New Collective Agreement with Ivaco Rolling Mills
22. Januar 2025 11:37 ET | United Steelworkers union
The new five-year collective agreements for 435 workers provide improvements in wages, pensions, benefits and working conditions.