Healing the Wounds of Sept. 11 -- New book Offers Feelings of Muslim American Leader in Interfaith Community

INDIANAPOLIS, March 5, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- Time heals all wounds, or so they say. Healing the hidden emotional and psychological wounds resulting from the tragedies of Sept. 11 will take time for people worldwide, including Muslim Americans. In his new book, Healing the Wounds of Sept. 11, 2001 (Reflections of an American Muslim) (now available through 1stBooks), Shahid Athar, M.D., a leader in interfaith understanding, presents a collection of writings, letters and speeches about the tragedy and its aftermath from the viewpoint of Muslims against terrorism.

In 32 entries, Athar expresses his feelings about the day when "the nation and the world were attacked and a religion was hijacked." He served as a resource for many Americans after the tragedies, conversing with college students, church groups and media about his faith and its opposition to the cruel violence displayed by the hijackers. He writes honestly from the perspective of a follower of Islam and a Muslim American. He describes his feelings about attacks on Muslims and also touches on the need for more understanding between faiths. Dr. Saiyyid M. Syeed, an American Muslim leader and Secretary General of the Islamic Society of North America wrote the introduction to Healing the Wounds of Sept. 11, 2001. This book is a "jihad against hate and bigotry," he writes. "(Athar is) a dedicated warrior who has done a great job in opening the doors of mind and windows of understanding."

Athar also includes letters of support he received after the tragedy, including one from Sister Mary Margaret Funk, who wrote the book's forward.

"Dr. Athar's words needs our attention, not only did we want to make sense of Sept. 11, but also be healed of our wounds. If you are looking for a Muslim view that is balanced, articulate and compelling, this book by Dr. Athar will give voice to that aspiration," she writes.

Athar maintains a private practice in endocrinology and is on the clinical faculty at the Indiana University School of Medicine. He is the founder and Chairman of the Islamic Society of Greater Indianapolis (ISGI) and Interfaith Alliance of Indiana (IAI). He has written seven other books, including Reflections of an American Muslim. He is affiliated with numerous national interfaith organizations and is a regular media source for news pieces on Islam and the interfaith movement.

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