A New Revolution -- California Seeks to Secede in Dark Portrayal of the Future

RICHMOND, Va., Oct. 7, 2004 (PRIMEZONE) -- America was born out of unrest and a need to remove the shackles of a government its people would no longer obey. Revolution courses through its veins and rattles the foundation of the country in The California Initiative (now available through AuthorHouse), the new novel by D.E. Schilling that offers one glimpse into America's future.

The year is 2019, and America has been lost in a crippling depression for the last 13 years. A fifth of the workforce is unemployed, and those that have a job are confined to part-time temp work. Faith in the government is completely shattered, and very few bother to vote. A number of groups have found a voice, but apathy dominates the country. Revolution simmers, but needs a true leader to bring it to a boil.

Ewald Zimmerman has not experienced the economic sorrows of others. As a talented custom furniture maker living in California, he finds steady work with the state's wealthiest clients. Still, he cannot tolerate the plight that is taking place outside his shop. He decides to do something for the people since the government will not. Ewald draws up a petition for the 2020 election that allows California to secede from the Union. His enraged protest draws major media attention and inspires millions to join the third party movement.

This social upheaval could not have come at a worse time for President Henry Hartwell. The Democratic incumbent is well behind his Republican adversary, and the Christian Religious Party is emerging with fervor from the South. Their candidate, the Rev. Irwin Rightway, is determined to return the country to God and smite all those who oppose. Hartwell knows he cannot fight Rightway, so he sets his sights on Ewald and the third party.

The future of the country hinges on the election and the spirit of a people determined to see freedom restored. Schilling uses a colorful palette of intrigue, corruption and unrest to paint a dark yet plausible picture of the future.

Raised on a farm in New York, Schilling has held diverse jobs, from a factory worker to a delivery man to an accountant. He currently works for one of America's largest banks. The California Initiative is his debut novel.


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