Ballingslöv International: YEAR-END STATEMENT January-Dec...

YEAR-END STATEMENT January-December 2006 Ballingslöv International AB (publ) Id number 556556-2807 · Net sales increased by 22 percent*) to SEK 2 274.1 M (1 870.9) · Organic growth was 11 percent · Net income for the period increased by 69 percent to SEK 144.6 M (85.4) · Earnings per share increased by 69 percent to SEK 13.29 (7.96) · Operating income increased by 52 percent to SEK 229.9 M (151.2) corresponding to an operating margin of 10.1 percent (8.1) · Cash flow from current operations was SEK 262.7 M (138.0) *) Kvik was not part of the group in Q1 2005 For additional information, please contact Nils-Erik Danielsson, CEO and President Direct phone +46 (0) 451-46 101, mobile phone +46 (0) 708-946 101 Ballingslöv International AB (publ) S-281 87 BALLINGSLÖV Phone sb. +46 (0)451-46 000 Corporate identity number 556556-2807 Ballingslöv International AB is one of the leading manufacturers of kitchen fixtures in Scandinavia and Great Britain. The products are sold under several strong and, in respective market, well-known trademarks, including Ballingslöv, Kvik, JKE Design, dfi/Geisler, Multiform, 3BO and Paula Rosa. The Ballingslöv Group has production facilities in Sweden, Denmark and in Great Britain and employs app. 1300 persons. The Ballingslöv share was listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange O-list in June 2002. ------------------------------------------------------------ This information was brought to you by Waymaker The following files are available for download: Full report