Modern Insurances Life becomes insurer for the new supplementary pension plan's (ITP) unit-link insurance

In competition with  26 other insurance  companies Modern  Insurances
Life and four  additional insurance  companies have  been elected  as
suppliers of the unit link insurance within the new ITP plan. The new
ITP  plan's  solution  for   unit  link  insurance  offers   salaried
employees, who are included in the pension plan, a limited number  of
unit link insurance companies and their respective funds.

Modern Insurances Life, being the  third largest unit link  insurance
company in Sweden measured  by means of new  sales during the  fourth
quarter 2006, has already taken a strong position within the  private
white-collared employee segment, resulting in  a market share of  14%
of this segment's occupational pension scheme in the fourth quarter."Through the choice of Modern Insurances Life as insurer for the  new
ITP plan, the salaried employees  included in the pension plan,  will
have the possibility to choose products with low fees and a selective
choice of highly qualitative  funds as well  as new thinking  product
development. These components will give the salaried employees a most
favorable pension product", says Lars Nordstrand, President of Modern
Insurances Life.

For further information, please visit or contact:

Anders Fällman, President and CEO, Invik & Co. AB +46 (0)8 562 000 20
Lars Nordstrand, President, Modern Insurances     +46 (0)8 562 006 71
Mattias Björk, CFO, Invik & Co. AB                +46 (0)8 562 000 58


Invik is a  finance group with  a broad product  profile focusing  on
insurance, banking and fund management.  Invik is active in a  number
of carefully selected  segments in  which the Group  can create  high
growth and build long-term, successful companies, while  consistently
focusing on profitability. Group companies are distinguished by their
constant efforts to seek new avenues for growth in profitable  niches
in the financial sector.

Invik  is  made  up  of  five  major  financial  operations:   Modern
Insurances Non-life, with its direct insurance operations focusing on
individuals and small companies; Modern Insurances Life, which offers
life, pension and  endowment insurances;  Assuransinvest manages  the
remaining run-off portfolio;  Banque  Invik, a private bank based  in
Luxembourg with operations in  asset management, card operations  and
corporate services and Invik Funds, which pursues fund operations  in
Aktie-Ansvar and Modern Funds. Invik is listed on the Stockholm Stock
Exchange Mid Cap under the name INVKB.


Press release PDF.pdf