The Company makes early redemption of Property Bonds

Reported via Stockwise to the Copenhagen Stock Exchange on 30 March 2007:

The Company has sold its property portfolio, and accordingly, all Property
Bonds issued by the Company are terminated for early redemption on 31 May 2007. 

The termination is made with reference to and in accordance with the section
"Issuer's redemption liability and access to redemption" of the prospectus and
will be announced in the Danish Official Gazette “Statstidende” giving minimum
30 days' notice to the last bank day of May. 

Combined with payment of the nominal yield until redemption, payment of the
redeemed bonds with will be made via VP Securities Services on 31 May 2007. 

The bond series subject to the early redemption are:

Keops EjendomsObligationer V 6,0%  2012 (DK0003458065)
Bonds of nominally DKK 100,000,000 redeemed at a price of 110, which
corresponds to a redemption yield of approx. 10.69% p.a., if the bonds were
acquired on issue at a price of 100. 

Keops EjendomsObligationer V 7,0%   2015 (DK0003458149)
Bonds of nominally DKK 120,000,000 redeemed at a price of 115, which
corresponds to a redemption yield of approx. 13.93% p.a., if the bonds were
acquired on issue at a price of 100. 

The above bonds were listed on the Copenhagen Stock Exchange A/S with first
date of listing on 23 May 2005. 

Please address questions relating to this Notice to Deputy CEO Karsten Poulsen
or Head of Communications Susanne Lindø on telephone +45 3341 0000.

