Formula 10 Maximizes Guest Satisfaction Ratings for Hotels

SCOTTSDALE, Ariz., April 25, 2007 (PRIME NEWSWIRE) -- Stark Service Solutions, LLC announces Formula 10, the most effective guest satisfaction management program, is now available in a user friendly Train-the-Trainer option. What makes Formula 10 so superior? The methodologies first address the associate experience, which in turn has a corresponding effect on the guest experience. Formula 10 creates a superior associate experience enabling associates to perform brand standards and property SOP's with accuracy, consistency, and efficiency in all aspects of the hotel. Now all hoteliers can enjoy a maximized loyal customer base with this proven program!

Formula 10 is the communication and coaching skill development program management teams use to advance their managers and properties to the next level. With it, there is total accountability in departments, ensuring everyone is accountable all the time. Unlike past fads that have come and gone in the industry, this accountability system is in real time and easy to use. This tangible accountability ensures superior associate and guest satisfaction, period. In addition, everyone enjoys excellent communication within their department and with each other. Your hotel will simply operate like a well-oiled machine.

"'There's nothing like this in the hotel industry and yet exactly what is needed!' This is the feedback we repeatedly receive about Formula 10 from those who have experienced it. It does not replace existing service training programs instead it compliments them. Formula 10 gives teams the needed tools to make corporate, brand and property programs a lasting reality," comments president of Stark Service Solutions, Naomi Stark.

  *  If the majority of your customers express their experience
     is only average.
  *  If you have solid guest satisfaction scores in individual
     categories, yet your overall satisfaction rating is low.
  *  If isolated areas of breakdown spoil your overall satisfaction
  *  If high problems experience percentages with low problem
     resolution scores are plaguing you.
  *  If a significant number of guest complaints are reaching
     senior management or corporate levels for resolution.

Then Formula 10 is the answer!

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