Managing Director Carlo Chow resigns his position as manager of bankTrelleborg a/s

Københavns Fondsbørs A/S                                                        
Nikolaj Plads 6                                                                 
1067 København K                                                                

                                                             17th of August 2007
                                            Stock Market Announcement no. 6/2007

Managing Director Carlo Chow resigns his position as manager of bankTrelleborg  

Managing Director Carlo Chow, bankTrelleborg a/s, has decided to resign his     
position as manager of bankTrelleborg a/s. He will take on the position of      
Managing Director in Føroya Bank A/S in Denmark.                                
”It has been very exciting to develop the company from a very local savings bank
to a listed bank with branches throughout Denmark. I have enjoyed every single  
day working with many competent colleagues, says Carlo Chow (47), who has been  
manager of the bank since 1997”.                                                
Flemming Holm, Chairman of the Board in bankTrelleborg a/s says: ”Together with 
the Board of Directors, Carlo Chow has played a crucial role in the development 
of the bank. We regret that Carlo Chow is leaving us, but he leaves the company 
in a state of progress. We wish him the best of luck in his new position. The   
Board of Directors will now start looking for a worthy successor who is able to 
continue the positive development of the bank”.                                 

Yours sincerely,                                                                
bankTrelleborg a/s                                                              

Kasper Petersen                                                                 
Executive assistant                                                             

On behalf of                                                                    

Flemming Holm			Jens Lundgaard Nielsen	                                         
Chairman of the Board			Vice-Chairman


omx-6  pdf managing director carlo chow resigns his position 170807 eng.pdf