Telenor number one on Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes

"We are very pleased to receive this recognition for our efforts. We are working hard to secure sustainability in all our operations, and the number one position on the Dow Jones Sustainability Indexes is the result of a long-term commitment. It is a great encouragement for us as we pursue our goal of empowering people in all our markets - helping them get the full benefit of communications services in their daily lives," said President and CEO of Telenor, Jon Fredrik Baksaas.
Telenor achieved a particularly high score for social contribution. The DJSI recognised Telenor's continuous efforts to achieve digital inclusion, and the positive impact our telecommunications services have on society.
DJSI is tracking sustainability-driven companies all over the world based on their performance across economic, environmental and social criteria. DSJI provide asset managers with reliable and objective benchmarks to manage sustainability portfolios.
Please read more on Telenor's sustainability work on our Corporate Responsibility website at
Contact: Head of Information Ola Jo Tandre, Tel: +47 95 17 45 79