"I have been with Telenor for approximately 10 years. It has been a tremendous time with significant changes in markets, technologies and organisation. It has been exciting to be a part of this, and a privilege to lead Telenor Broadcast into what it is today. I will miss many skilled colleagues when I leave Telenor. I have, however, decided to pursue opportunities outside Telenor," says Stig Eide Sivertsen.
"We regret that Mr. Sivertsen has decided to leave Telenor. He has delivered a solid performance for the company, and the success of Telenor Broadcast is attributable to him and his team - it will now be further developed with new management. I wish Mr. Sivertsen every success in his future endeavours," says President and CEO of Telenor, Jon Fredrik Baksaas
Sivertsen joined Telenor in 1997. His notice period is six months.
Scott Engebrigtsen, Vice President Group Communication, Tel.: +47 90 04 34 84