Utilization of authorization within Skanditek to repurchase own shares

Utilization of authorization within Skanditek to repurchase own shares

The Annual General Meeting on March 26, 2007, of Skanditek Industriförvaltning
AB (publ) approved the proposal to authorize the Board of Directors to purchase
the company's own shares for the purpose to enable the Board to adapt the
capital structure.The company's Board has now decided to utilize this

The shares will be purchased on the Stockholm Stock Exchange (Stockholmsbörsen)
at a price within the registered share price interval on each occasion when the
Board finds it favourable for the company's shareholders.

Purchase can be made as of December 5, 2007, until next year's Annual General
Meeting on April 7, 2008. No acquisitions are intended to be made during a
30-day period prior to the announcement of quarterly result, the day of
announcement included.

The total number of outstanding shares in Skanditek is 65,505,080 and the
maximum number of
shares which can be repurchased is 6,550,508.

Stockholm, December 4, 2007


Skanditek is an industrial holding company owning stock in Swedish companies.
The business concept is to be an active and long-term stockholder and to further
the portfolio companies' development by providing industrial and financial
competence at board and management level. The portfolio comprises 9 companies
within technology, biotechnology and services. The major holdings are in Bure
Equity (17%), MYDATA automation (96%), PartnerTech (36%,and Vitrolife (25%).
Skanditek is listed on the OMX Nordic List.

