Correction: Annual general meeting Wednesday 27 February 2008 - Published 18 February 2008 16:48:04 CET

Correction: To item 3 in proposals.

Teymi hf. Annual General Meeting 2008  
The Board of Directors of Teymi hf. hereby announces the Annual General Meeting 
of the Company to be held on Wednesday 27 February 2008 at 8:30 at the company's
offices on Suðurlandsbraut 18, Reykjavík.  
1.  Report of the Board of Directors on the activities of the company in 2007. 
2.  The accounts of the company and auditors' report submitted for
3.  Decision on payment of dividends. 
4.  Election of a Board of Directors. 
5.  Election of Auditors. 
6.  Decision on the remuneration of the Board of Directors.                     
7.  Proposal for amendments of the company's Articles of Association: 
      a. The legal domicile of the ompany 
      b. Proposal to grant the Board of Directors authorisation to raise the
         share capital by up to ISK 150.000.000. 
      c. Article on the Agenda of the Annual General Meeting 
8.  Proposal for a remuneration policy. 
9.  Proposal to grant the Board of Directors authorisation to purchase own
    shares in accordance with Article 55 of the Companies Act No.. 2/1995. 
10. Other matters.     
Shareholders are reminded that candidatures for the Board of Directors must be  
submitted in written form to the current Board at least five days before the    
Annual General Meeting.     
The agenda, final submissions and the company's financial statements as well as 
the auditors' report will be on display at the company's headquartes a week     
before the meeting.     
Ballots and other documents will be available at Suðurlandsbraut 18, from 8:00. 

Proposals according to the Agenda of Teymi's Annual General Meeting 27 February 
Item 3. 
The Board of Directors does not proposes the payment of dividends equalling 10% 
of the company's share capital or ISK 0,10 per share. The ex-date is set at 28  
February 2008 and record date 3 March 2008. The payments will be effected on 14 
March 2008. The remainder of the year's profits will be added to the company's  

Item 4. 
Will be presented by the Chairman of the Meeting.                               

Item 5.  
The Board of Directors proposes KPMG Endurskoðun hf. as the company's Auditors. 

Item 6. 
The Board of Directors proposes the remuneration of the members of the Board to 
remain unchanged. Individual Board Members will receive ISK 100 000 pr month and
the Chairman double that amount. Alternative members will receive ISK 50 000 for
each meeting attended. The miminum payment of alternative members is ISK 100 000
and the maximum ISK 1 200 000.                                                  

Item 7.
The Board of Directors proposes the following amendments of the Articles of     
  a. Article 1.03. will read: 
“ The company is domiciled at Suðurlandsbraut 18, Reykjavik” 
  b. Article 2.01.2 will read:
“The Board of Directors is authorised to raise the company's share capital by up
to ISK 150.000.000 (hundred and fifty million). The authorisation is valid for  
18 months from the date of approval by the shareholders' meeting. Shareholders  
waive pre-emptive rights in accordance with Article 34 of the Companies Act No. 
2/1995. The new shares are carry the same rights as previously recorded shares  
from the date of registration of the share increase. 
The Board of Directors shall determine further details of the share increase    
such as price and payment terms.”  
  c. Article 4.03.1. item 8 will read:  
“The company's remuneration policy”  
  d. Article 4.11. will read: 
“The Board of Directors may determine that shareholders may participate         
electronically in shareholders´ meetings without being present. Shareholders who
intend to take advantage of their right to participate electronically shall     
notify the company's offices with five day prior notice and submit, in writing, 
any questions they might have regarding the agenda or presented documents they  
wish to have answered at the meeting. 
If the Board of Directors is of the opinion that sufficiently secure equipment  
is available and decides to use this authorisation, it shall be clearly noted in
the invitation to the meeting. The Board of Directors is also authorised to     
decide that the shareholder's meeting shall only be held electronically. 
Otherwise Article 80 a of Act on Public Limited Companies No. 2/1995, as amended
from time to time, shall apply to electronic voting.” 
The Board of Directors proposes the change of the company's legal seat following
the relocation of its offices. Furthermore, it is proposed that the company's   
remuneration policy will be approved annually at the AGM. It is proposed that   
the Board of Directors be authorised to make use of the current provisions of   
the Companies Act No 2/1995 on electronic shareholders' meeting. Lastly, the    
Board of Directors proposed that its authorisation to raise the company's share 
capital will be extended.                                                       


Item 8. 
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that the company's
remuneration policy will remain the same as previous year.   
The company adopted a detailed remuneration policy at the last AGM. It has      
worked well for the company and the Board of Directors therefore proposes that  
it will be passed unchanged.                                                    

Item 9.     
The Board of Directors proposes to the Annual General Meeting that it be        
authorised to purchase own shares in accordance with Article 55 of the Companies
Act, up to 10% of the company's shares. The minimum price shall be the shares   
nominal value and maximum 10% beyond market price at each time. The             
Authorisation remains valid until the next Annual General Meeting. 
The proposal is in accordance with Article 55 of the Companies Act No. 2/1995,  

