-- Beforehand, bring your dog inside the house and turn on a radio or television. -- Create a small, dark space that is shielded from the frightening sound as much as possible, but do not confine the dog in that spot. -- Close windows and curtains and keep your dog away from the doors. -- Distract your dog by doing something you both enjoy. Practice some training commands or play fetch. Give plenty of pats and hugs.Park Cities Obedience School warns not to bring a dog to a fireworks display. Additionally, this is a good time for owners to make sure their dog's identification is securely fastened to its collar, just in case. According to the National Pet Owners Survey from the American Pet Product Manufacturers Association, 39 percent of American households own at least one dog. That means dogs reside in more than 780,000 households in the Dallas - Fort Worth - Arlington Metroplex. Park Cities Obedience School offers comprehensive dog training and dog care services, including private and group dog training classes, overnight dog boarding with day care privileges and doggie day care to keep dogs active and happy during the day. Call 214-369-7267 or e-mail pcoschool@sbcglobal.net to schedule a tour. About Park Cities Obedience School Park Cities Obedience School & Dog Daycare is a full service pet obedience training, dog boarding and doggie day care facility. Family owned and operated, it has been helping families who live or work in Highland Park, University Park and North Dallas train and care for their dogs for decades. For more information, visit www.parkcitiesobedienceschool.com.
Contact Information: Contact: Dan Keeney, APR DPK Public Relations 214-432-7556