By how much do you anticipate the current market crisis will delay your retirement plans? 5 years or more 55% 3-4 years 27% 1-2 years 15% Less than a year 2% When do you expect to see a full recovery in your retirement accounts? 1-5 months 0.7% 6-12 months 5% More than a year 39% More than five years 34% Never 21% Who do you hold most responsible for this downturn? Wall Street 5% Federal Government 11% Banks that lent money to people who were a bad credit risk 11% Individuals who bought houses that they couldn't afford 4% All of the above 63% None of these things 0.6% Other (please specify) 5% Which of the following economic downturns have had the greatest negative impact on your life? Please rank order the following from 1-4, with 1 being the worst. 2008 Market Crisis 58% Savings and loan crisis of the late 1980s 55% 2001 market downturn following 9/11 46% 1987 stock market crash 47% **Note to media: Local Eons boomer members are available for interviews upon request. **Note to media: Full survey results available upon request.Methodology The " Financial Market Crisis Poll" was conducted online of members aged 45+ from September 26-October 2, 2008. More than 450 of baby boomer members participated in the survey. About Eons™ is the online community for spirited BOOMers who want to explore their passions, keep in touch with friends, connect with interesting people to share life experiences and most of all have fun. Founded by Jeff Taylor, creator of, Eons, Inc. has attracted a team of renowned advisors and industry-leading partners and is backed by venture capital financing from General Catalyst Partners, Sequoia Capital, Charles River Ventures and Intel Capital, as well as Humana, Inc. It is supported by corporate founding partners Humana, Inc. and Verizon Wireless. Eons is headquartered in Charlestown Navy Yard, Boston. For more information about Eons, visit
Contact Information: Press Contact: Tim Inthirakoth InkHouse 781-916-9090 ext. 805