Epiq Systems Upgrades DocuMatrix(tm) eDiscovery Review Tool -- Accelerators and Automated Workflow Expedite and Increase Control Over Review

NEW YORK, Nov. 3, 2008 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Epiq Systems, Inc. (Nasdaq:EPIQ), a leading provider of technology solutions for the legal profession, today announced an updated release of DocuMatrix, its electronic discovery document review system.

Epiq Systems DocuMatrix features new analytical tools that streamline complex, high-volume document reviews so attorneys can successfully zero in on relevant information with greater speed.

    * Enhanced Email Threading shows emails in the context of a
      conversation and highlights the "inclusive", the last e-mail in
      a series that contains the complete text of previous messages in
      the thread.  This feature reduces the need to open and review
      each individual email message in a thread.

    * Automated Keyword Highlighting identifies words of interest in
      the document viewer.  Multiple sets of keywords can be
      simultaneously displayed with different color highlighting.
      Attorneys can immediately locate the search terms, privileged
      terms and other terms of interest accelerating review time.

This latest version also incorporates a highly developed workflow system. Clients gain a much deeper level of control over their review process, easing the challenges associated with managing numerous review teams.

    * Conditional Rules can prompt a reviewer to provide additional
      information after making an initial coding decision.  This
      feature declutters the coding form and guides the reviewer to
      answer follow-up questions as required, increasing consistency
      across reviewers.

    * Workflow Rules now ensure that basic quality control requirements
      are met, such as validating that all attachments and required
      fields have been coded, before allowing documents to move to
      another review phase.  Clients can trust that all documents will
      be reviewed fully.

"DocuMatrix assists corporations and law firms with achieving a consistent review, particularly with complex global cases involving multiple review teams in disparate locations," said Christopher E. Olofson, president and chief operating officer of Epiq Systems. "Review hours and costs can be significantly reduced with our review accelerators."

DocuMatrix supports over 80 languages including Arabic, Chinese, German, Hebrew, Japanese and Russian. All new upgrades are fully integrated into the technology's multilanguage capabilities.

About Epiq Systems

Epiq Systems is a leading provider of integrated technology solutions for the legal profession. Our solutions streamline the administration of bankruptcy, litigation, financial transactions and regulatory compliance matters. We offer innovative technology solutions for electronic discovery, document review, legal notification, claims administration and controlled disbursement. Our clients include leading law firms, corporate legal departments, bankruptcy trustees and other professional advisors who require innovative technology, responsive service and deep subject-matter expertise.

The Epiq Systems, Inc. logo is available at http://www.globenewswire.com/newsroom/prs/?pkgid=5250


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