Are You and God in True Agreement? -- Spiritual Advisor Elucidates on True Meaning of Being Born Again of God

SPRING, Texas, Jan. 6, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. Emeka Ozurumba calls for fellow Christians to an urgent spiritual cleansing with the release of his book, The Two Keys To The Kingdom Of God, published through Xlibris. While many Christians believe they are ready to enter God's kingdom, Dr. Ozurumba presents a convincing body of facts that disturbingly says otherwise.

Today, millions of Christians profess and believe to be born of God, but very few truly understand what this actually means. As such, they believe they are ready to meet the Lord, but this is a mistaken assumption. However, Dr. Ozurumba believes that idols dwell in many Christians' hearts, together with false imaginations, manipulative strongholds, and lies that now permeate and strangle the body of Christ. Perceiving this urgent situation, Dr. Ozurumba appeals to Christians to inspect their spiritual foundation, if they have truly been in agreement with God and His teachings.

Dr. Ozurumba's book endeavors to stir up the children of God to properly take stock of their present standing and relationship with God. He emphasizes that unless Christians build their lives on God, the Rock, they build in vain. As well, the book discusses the four spiritual foundations of spiritual cleansing, and more importantly, details the "two keys" that will give Christians "access" to God's kingdom.

It is Dr. Ozurumba's belief that he has been inspired to commit to writing the teachings and mysteries revealed to him at a fitting time.

"It is my sincere prayer that God will use this book to remove the scales off the eyes of his elect, with the sole purpose of getting them to return to the love of the truth," Dr. Ozurumba expresses.

For more information on The Two Keys To The Kingdom Of God, interested parties can log on to

    The Two Keys To The Kingdom Of God * by Dr. Emeka O. Ozurumba
                  Publication Date: January 4, 2010
        Trade Paperback; $19.99; 201 pages; 978-1-4415-8556-1
         Trade Hardback; $29.99; 201 pages; 978-1-4415-8557-8

To request a complimentary paperback review copy, contact the publisher at (888) 795-4274 x. 7479. Tear sheets may be sent by regular or electronic mail to Marketing Services. To purchase copies of the book for resale, please fax Xlibris at (610) 915-0294 or call (888) 795-4274 x. 7876.

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