Sales Focus Incorporated Signs Five New Clients into their Sales Center

BALTIMORE, July 29, 2010 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Sales Focus Incorporated, the pioneer of the Sales Outsourcing industry, announced today they have secured contracts with five new clients into their Kansas City Sales Center.

"We continue to expand the Sales Center at the expected rate for 2010. Within the past 30 days, we have secured agreements with Mail-Sort, Pandora, DoubleDome, Arch Technology Solutions & DME Consulting. We expect to have several more in the next few weeks as the value proposition and return on investment becomes clearly evident to small and large companies alike," commented Tony Horwath, President and CEO of Sales Focus, Inc. "The growth of our Sales Center is based on the results we can provide to our clients. Developing quality sales for our clients is our focus and delivering immediate revenue is our goal."

"Over the past 12 years Sales Focus, Inc. has been successfully representing many different industries and companies throughout the USA and abroad. Our proven process allows a quick, clean and focused launch in less than 30 days," stated Tony Horwath, President and Founder of Sales Focus Inc. Mr. Horwath commented that, "Sales Focus, Inc. is driven toward a single goal; Generating Immediate Revenue for our Clients! Whether it's implementing our SOLD methodology, developing specialized training programs or launching an outsourced sales force, we remain focused on the goal of tactically generating rapid revenue for our clients. SFI has generated well over a $1B in revenue for our clients and continue to grow through our proven processes."

Sales Focus, Inc. is a sales outsourcing company that focuses strictly on tactical revenue generation for our clients while offering cost containment and profit enhancement solutions. For more information, or to see if we are a good fit with your organization, contact us directly at 410-442-5600. Feel free to visit our website at and request a free white paper.


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