FRIDAY HARBOR, WA--(Marketwire - Apr 19, 2011) - Strategic News Service is proud to announce that Easy Energy Systems, Inc. (EES) has been selected as a 2011 FiReStarter company, to be featured at its annual Future in Review (FiRe) technology conference. FiReStarter companies are selected based on their potential to bring positive change to the world, and are showcased before, after and during the conference, both onstage and at an exclusive investor reception.
Easy Energy Systems was founded in 2006 to address the US energy focus on clean energy, the need to replace dependence on fossil fuel with renewable Biofuels, mandated ethanol usage around the world to reduce greenhouse gases, and the revitalization of rural America.
EES has developed a Modularized Ethanol Production System (MEPS®) that is fully self-contained, fully automatic and pre-built in a factory to be easily shipped anywhere in the world and assembled like Lego ™ blocks to build any size ethanol plant. Using proprietary technology, the company has successfully produced cellulosic ethanol in its pilot plant and is focused on the entire waste to energy market sector, utilizing such feed stocks as waste milk byproducts, waste paper, waste soda pop, waste wood and waste crop residue such as corn cobs. The MEPS unit is a solution to the "Achilles Heel" of ethanol production in that the automated economical smaller size units can be located closer to bulky waste feed stocks, eliminating large transportation costs and energy inefficiencies. The modular and scalable design allows for ethanol production to be tested on feed stocks in a limited fashion -- and then expanded to any size. The company has patents pending on its technology.
"We are delighted to have been selected as one of the top 12 potentially world changing technologies by Future in Review. Waste streams are the low-hanging fruit of non-corn renewable bio fuels that can be capitalized on today. Because we can do this on a small scale, wasted products that may have never been considered for ethanol production in the past are now prime candidates for conversion into transportation fuel or electricity with MEPS®. It is this transformation of the world's waste into energy, whether a landfill in the USA or a remote village in India, that will lessen the need for dependence on foreign oil, provide rural wealth creation, and enable us to achieve our company mission to Fuel the World®," said EES Chairman and Founder, Mark Gaalswyk.
Future in Review is an annual gathering of world-class thought leaders in technology and economics. FiRe attendees convene each year with the goal of solving major world problems; a goal that is consistently met through FiRe's collaboration across disparate industries and the intellectual and strategic guidance of FiRe Chair and SNS CEO, Mark Anderson. Now in its ninth year, Future in Review 2011 will take place May 24-27th at the beautiful Montage Resort in Laguna Beach, California. The Economist has called FiRe "The best technology conference in the world."
"We are proud to honor EES as one of our select FiReStarter Companies for 2011," said Anderson, FiRe Chair and SNS CEO. "Working with real problems and creating real energy solutions is the path we all want to be on. EES is doing just that, laying down the early bricks in a long road of solutions that will resolve the energy and climate crises we face today."
To register, and to see the draft agenda, go to
Strategic News Service was founded by Mark Anderson in 1995 as the first paid online news service. Since its inception, SNS has proven the most accurate predictive newsletter covering the computer and telecom industries. Its subscribers include top managers at technology companies across the globe, including Microsoft, Dell, HP, Cisco, Intel, Sun, Google, Telstra, Orange and others.
SNS has been operating the annual FiRe Conference for nine years. The Economist calls FiRe "the best technology conference in the world." FiRe exposes world experts and participants to new ideas, producing an accurate portrait of the future and focuses on creating technology solutions to current local and global problems. FiRe 2011 will take place May 24-27, 2011 at the Montage Resort in Laguna Beach, CA. For more information go to
Future in Review™ is a Strategic News Service™ conference. Future in ReviewTM, and Strategic News Service™ are registered international trademarks. The SNS newsletter is the most accurate publicly ranked predictive newsletter in computing and communications.
Contact Information:
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Jennifer Lee
Strategic News Service
FiReGlobal : West Coast
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Friday Harbor, WA
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