Cancer Gala Celebration of Life

"To everything, there is a season"

CHESAPEAKE BEACH, Md., May 14, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- In 1982, my brother, Fred and I, wanted to honor our father's memory by hosting a fun fundraiser to raise money for cancer research and treatment. We contacted the American Cancer Society and the Cancer Crusade Gala, was born. We later included in the name of this festive cause, Celebration of Life because that is what the Cancer Gala had become. For 30 years, the first Thursday in August was set aside as the evening of the Gala.

Last year we raised over $400,000. This was a true testament of the support from our families, co-chairs, friends, employees, generous donors, community supporters, an amazing group of volunteers and all of those in attendance. Since the inception, the annual Gala has brought in over $4 million dollars. In May 2011, The American Cancer Society recognized us with their Award of Excellence for Income Development for the South Atlantic Division. We are very proud of that distinction. It has been an honor to work with The American Cancer Society. 

However, despite the accomplishments, we know that everything has its season. We have made the decision not to continue the Cancer Gala Celebration of Life. We have semi-retired and are enjoying all of our extra time with our families. The thanks, praise, and recognition we have received over the years has been gratifying, but never necessary. Thirty years ago we started the Gala in honor of our father and we feel our small contribution has added to the strides made in not only cancer research and treatment but also prevention and education. 

Thank you to everyone who has ever participated in our efforts to raise money for The American Cancer Society. We could not have done it without you! 

Thank you, 

Gerald W. Donovan 

Mary Lanham

Wes Donovan


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