Befimmo SCA - Befimmo SCA owns 100% of the shares of Fedimmo SA

As of 3 October 2012, Befimmo SCA purchased the shares (10%) of Fedimmo SA that it did not own yet and that were held, up to now, by Société Fédérale de Participations et d'Investissement ("SFPI") and by Sopima. Befimmo acquired one half of these shares for cash (or 230,148 Fedimmo shares held by SFPI, and 260,860 shares of Fedimmo held by Sopima), and the other half (or 491,008 shares of Fedimmo held by SFPI) in exchange for 593,901 new shares of Befimmo.
With this transaction, Befimmo now owns all Fedimmo shares and is now the sole beneficiary of Fedimmo's results, which will have a positive impact, notably an annual increase of its estimated EPRA earnings of some €0.03 per share. 
This transaction will allow the Fedimmo portfolio to benefit from the sicafi status.
Please open the following link to consult the press release: 


Befimmo SCA owns 100% of the shares of Fedimmo SA - 03 10 2012