Hogan Assessment Systems to Share Thought Leadership at SIOP's 28th Annual Conference

Company's Executives and Experts to Present Cutting-Edge Research on Industrial and Organizational Psychology

TULSA, OK--(Marketwire - Mar 5, 2013) -  Hogan Assessment Systems, a global leader in personality research and leadership development, today announced details of the sessions the company will present during the Society for Industrial & Organizational Psychology's 28th Annual Conference, SIOP 2013. The three-day conference will take place at the Hilton Americas - Houston from Thursday, April 11 to Saturday, April 13, 2013.

The conference aims to promote the growing influence of industrial and organizational (I-O) psychologists in the workplace at both the individual and organizational levels. It is designed to give industry professionals the opportunity to network with and learn from one another and find out how they can expand and enhance their influence beyond their organizations and their profession.

Hogan will play a prominent role at the conference, serving as an exhibitor and sponsor of the event. In addition, Hogan's executives and subject matter experts will share the company's cutting-edge research and insights into industrial and organizational psychology in 12 educational sessions, including:

  • International Perspectives on Combining Personality and Multirater Feedback Data (Thursday, April 11 at 11:00 a.m.) - Blaine Gaddis, international research manager for Hogan, will share his international perspective on the nascent practice of combining personality assessments and multirater feedback in selection and development initiatives, and explain how doing so can lead to beneficial outcomes and greater return on investment.

  • Comparability of Scores: Equivalence Issues in Testing Across Countries (Thursday, April 11 at 11:00 a.m.) - Senior consultant Kevin Meyer will participate in a session that addresses the different approaches to a range of issues relating to score comparability in multinational testing, from the use of DIF and generalizability theory to more general considerations of the impact of cultural differences on attitudes to testing.

  • Job Analytic Comparisons of Competency Requirements in Global Managerial Jobs (Thursday, April 11 at 1:00 p.m.) - Blaine Gaddis is joined by Dara Pickering, research consultant, to collectively share their research into the similarities and differences in competencies required for managerial jobs around the world, using jobs themselves as the unit of analysis rather than the individual.

  • Identifying Critical Job Family Competencies: Within and Across Job Families (Thursday, April 11 at 1:00 p.m.) - In this session, Hogan research consultants Ashley Palmer and Stephen Nichols plan to share the results of a study using data-driven best practices to identify the most critical competencies for three job families: service and support; professionals, operations and trades; and technicians and specialists.

  • A Sticky Topic: Using Personality Tests in Selection Settings (Thursday, April 11 at 1:30 p.m.) - Kevin Meyer will join a panel discussion on the use of personality tests in selection settings and how to improve criterion validity in predicting job performance, while offering recommendations promoting the use of personality data in selection.

  • The Role of Theory in Advancing Personality Assessment at Work (Thursday, April 11 at 3:30 p.m.) - Dr. Robert Hogan, president of Hogan Assessments, will discuss the role of theory in advancing personality test use in work settings, focusing on four key issues: why theory is especially important in this area, which theoretical principles are important, the hurdles blocking utilization of theory and the future of personality assessment at work.

  • Leadership Assessment: Contemporary Issues and Challenges in Demonstrating Value (Friday, April 12 at 8:30 a.m.) - Ryan Ross, vice president of Global Alliances, will discuss opportunities to demonstrate the value of assessments, as identifying and developing leadership talent continues to be a key concern for organizations.

  • Why Is the Leadership Development Industry Failing? (Friday, April 12 at 12:00 p.m.) - Since 1995, leadership development has grown by 30 percent, yet public confidence in leadership has declined by 30 percent in the same time period. In this session, Dr. Hogan will share insights into why the leadership industry seems to be failing and what can be done about it.

  • Industrial Differences: Mine is Unique... Right? (Friday, April 12 at 12:00 p.m.) - During this symposium, Stephen Nichols and Jeff Foster, director of Research & Development, will address how the differences in personality traits, values, competencies and attitudes between industries is not as big as most organizations believe, and share the implications for selection and development of different industries.

  • Advances in the Use of Personality to Predict Workplace Criteria (Friday, April 12 at 1:30 p.m.) - Although research relating personality to work outcomes has progressed, more is needed to refine the criteria that are predicted by different traits and relevant boundary conditions involved. In this session, Ashley Palmer will join a panel of presenters to discuss the use of personality tests to predict criteria from different perspectives.

  • Linking Personality and 360 Assessments to Coach and Develop Leaders (Saturday, April 13 at 12:00 p.m.) - Rodney Warrenfeltz, managing partner with Hogan, will lead a session examining the combination of personality and 360 multirater assessments for the development of leaders, while highlighting empirical studies that demonstrate how coaching insights are produced by the convergence of the two types of assessments.

  • Destructive Leadership: A Holistic View for Minimizing its Toxic Influence (Saturday, April 13 at 1:30 p.m.) - Dr. Hogan will participate in a discussion that focuses on consolidating current research on destructive leadership to support a more comprehensive definition. The session will emphasize the importance of considering leaders, followers and the environment in the destructive leadership process and share insights on how to prevent destructive leadership in organizations.

"We are honored to be able to share our industry-leading research and expertise at the SIOP Annual Conference and provide attendees with insights and strategies that can enhance their roles and value to their organizations," said Ryan Ross, Hogan's vice president of Global Alliances. "Hogan remains committed to advancing the industrial and organizational psychology profession, and this conference gives us the platform to share our latest industry insights and extend the influence of today's leading I-O psychologists."

Hogan will be exhibiting its industry-leading solutions that help businesses hire the right people, develop key talent and evaluate leadership potential during the conference at Booth No. 201 on the exhibition floor.

About Hogan Assessment Systems
With more than 30 years of experience, Hogan is the global leader in providing comprehensive, research-based personality assessment and consulting. Grounded in decades of science, Hogan helps businesses dramatically reduce turnover and increase productivity by hiring the right people, developing key talent and evaluating leadership potential.