“Nordeka” JSC Annual report for the year ended 31 December 2012

“Nordeka” JSC Annual report in accordance with Latvian Statutory Requirements for the year ended 31 December 2012, the Independent Auditor’s Report and Corporate governance report for year 2012 please find attached.

 Referring to the stock exchange rules “On financial instruments and stock-exchange trading in regulated markets " paragraph 14.8.6, JSC “Nordeka” explains that according to the unaudited annual report for year 2012 the profit for the year amounted to 31 356 LVL, but according to the audited accounts is 27 745 LVL, which can be explained by the fact that the deferred income tax item in the amount of 6 168 LVL (audited annual report annex No. 22), was included in the audited accounts, and the income statement items were made more precise.

Prepared by:
Chief accountant
Ginta Unda
Tel. 67500286


corp_gov_Nordeka_2012_final_EN.pdf auditors_report.pdf Annual_report_2012.pdf