QPR Software and CGI partner to build a new process analysis service for CGI in Finland

QPR Software and CGI partner to build a new process analysis service for CGI in Finland

QPR Software and CGI, the leading IT and business process service company, have signed an agreement where CGI will establish a new process analysis service based on QPR ProcessAnalyzer software product. With the service, CGI will be able to show their customers the real state of their processes and help support them in reaching operational efficiency. For QPR, the partnership gives the opportunity to bring Automated Business Process Discovery (ABPD) software, QPR ProcessAnalyzer to a larger audience.

QPR’s ABPD software QPR ProcessAnalyzer discovers the fact based ‘as-is’ processes from existing data logged in operative systems, such as ERP, billing and CRM, for analysis and improvement of business processes. QPR ProcessAnalyzer will be provided to CGI as Software as a Service by QPR Software, minimizing deployment and maintenance costs.

“Partnership with CGI strengthens our international partner strategy and further drives the adoption of our ABPD software product, QPR ProcessAnalyzer. We are proud to join forces with such a distinguished service company and provide CGI with the means to expand their service portfolio. The process analysis service will enable CGI’s customers to see the real state of their processes, and with the help of CGI, realize cost reductions through improved processes”, says Mr. Jari Jaakkola, CEO of QPR Software.

“We immediately recognized the benefits that QPR ProcessAnalyzer could bring to our current service portfolio in Finland. It gives a completely new dimension to our traditional consulting services as it brings process facts to the development work, in addition to being a clear differentiator when building a new process analysis service. Our strategy is twofold as we will use the software to provide a service to our existing customers, analyzing the usage of our own ERP and other business support systems as well as include it as a part of our operational development consultancy portfolio. We have already conducted few customer trials and the results have been excellent”, says Mervi Lahti, Director, Midmarket Solutions CGI Finland.

The initial scope of the partnership covers the provision of the new process analysis service for their customers in Finland, using their accounts payable and ERP systems, Rondo and V10 respectively, as well as Kuntamalli solution (the ‘Council model’) which is designed for public sector organizations and encompasses several CGI software products.

QPR will support CGI to set-up the service by providing CGI with initial product training and consultation for QPR ProcessAnalyzer as well as technical and sales support.

About QPR Software

QPR Software Plc offers the best services and software for developing business processes and enterprise architecture. QPR has more than 1,500 private and public sector customers across the globe in more than 50 countries. QPR’s shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.

QPR - Quality. Processes. Results. www.qpr.com

About CGI

Founded in 1976, CGI is a global IT and business process services provider delivering high-quality business consulting, systems integration and outsourcing services. With 71,000 professionals in 40 countries, CGI has an industry-leading track record of on-time, on-budget projects, aligning our teams with clients’ business strategies to achieve top-to-bottom line results. Visit cgi.com and cgi.fi to learn more.

For further information, please contact:

QPR Software: Teija Räsänen, Marketing Manager
Tel.+ 358 44 786 8871
Email: teija.rasanen(at)qpr.com