May: Monthly statistics

As per May 31 2015, the number of customers at Avanza amounted to 416,900, an
increase of 45,700 since the beginning of 2015. The number of accounts amounted
to 754,500. Preliminary net inflow in May was SEK 1,160 m and the total
preliminary net inflow during the period January-May was consequently SEK 13,100

statistics –

                 Change  Change one year          May     April      May
                    one                          2015      2015     2014
No.                -8 %             73 %     55,300**    59,800   31,900
per day

                 Change  Change one year  31 May 2015  30 April   31 May
                    one                                    2015     2014
Savings             2 %             36 %      176,200   172,100  129,100
capital, SEK m
Lending, SEK m     -3 %             33 %      5,640**     5,790    4,230
of which            0 %            117 %      2,320**     2,310    1,070
Mortgage loans,
Deposits, SEK m     6 %             50 %     29,200**    27,600   19,500
No. customers       2 %             23 %      416,900   410,500  339,200
No. accounts        2 %             28 %      754,500   741,700  590,600

                                                  May     April      May
                                                 2015      2015     2014
Net inflow, SEK   -41 %            -13 %      1,160**     1,950    1,340

* Buying and selling transactions carried out in Nasdaq Stockholm and First
North. Statistics from Nasdaq.

** Preliminary figures.
For further information please contact:

Martin Tivéus, CEO
46 70 861 80 04
Avanza is an Internet bank founded in 1999. The Parent Company, Avanza Bank
Holding AB (publ), is listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. Avanza’s mission
is that as a customer you will have more money in your pocket than if you banked
with other banks or institutions. The services include, amongst other things,
saving in shares, funds, savings accounts and a strong pension offering. Avanza
has more than 400,000 customers and more than SEK 170 billion in savings
capital. This is equivalent to just over 2 percent of the Swedish savings
market. Avanza is the largest in terms of the number of transactions of Swedish
banks on the Stockholm Stock Exchange. During the last five years Avanza has won
SKI’s (Swedish Quality Index) award, “Year’s Most Satisfied Savings Customers”.
For more information visit:

