Eramet Group: Inauguration of Moanda Metallurgical Complex in Gabon

Paris, June 15th, 2015 

Inauguration of Moanda Metallurgical Complex in Gabon on June 12th, 2015 by Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of the Gabonese Republic, and Patrick Buffet, Chairman & CEO of the ERAMET Group

In the presence of civil servants, diplomats, members of the government and the large crowd in attendance in Moanda, Ali Bongo Ondimba, President of the Gabonese Republic, and Patrick Buffet, Chairman & CEO of the ERAMET Group inaugurated Moanda Metallurgical Complex. The completion of this large-scale, high value-generating industrial complex attests to the ERAMET Group's substantial contribution to the development of Gabon's mining and metallurgical industry.

At the ceremony Patrick Buffet, Chairman and CEO, declared:

"It is a great honour and a deep joy for me and all of ERAMET's people to have you with us for this outstanding day that marks the official launch of Moanda Metallurgical Complex.

Construction of Moanda Metallurgical Complex, which you are about to inaugurate, began in 2010. It is the fruit of a model public-private partnership between the Gabonese State and the ERAMET Group. Today I'd like to specifically emphasise this partnership, which is based on total mutual trust between the parties, a crucial factor.

Over a 50-hectare site, the construction of this industrial facility called slightly over a thousand technicians and workers into play for a total of about 6 million man-hours.

The Grand Poubara hydroelectric dam is a major step forward in Gabon's industrialisation and makes long-term viability and profitability possible for Moanda Metallurgical Complex. It reflects the Gabonese State's commitment to provide business operators with the infrastructures needed to develop national industry.

Gabon is the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to have a leading-edge facility on a technological par with ERAMET's ore processing plants in the USA, Europe and China.

Moanda Metallurgical Complex, comprised of two plants using hydro- and pyrometallurgical techniques, will lead to new professions and training needs locally. We will once again meet these needs together under our partnership, by setting up the new Mining and Metallurgical School in Moanda, which should open to serve the region in 2016. New subcontracting needs will also appear. This will provide attractive development and activity opportunities for the men and women of Moanda and all the region.

I am especially delighted that this Metallurgical Complex has been designed and built in line with the latest environmental standards and in accordance with applicable rules under the laws and agreements governing workplace safety. These items are extremely important to ERAMET and all the stakeholders.

Our common goal is to be one of the world leaders in Manganese processing.

Unlike Moanda Industrial Complex, which has existed for many years, this is a facility for metallurgical processing ore, comprised of a manganese metal plant with 20,000 tons' annual capacity and a silico-manganese plant designed to produce 65,000 tons per year.

The direct jobs created currently total 432, in addition to the many indirect and induced jobs, particularly those relating to subcontracting, not counting the workforce employed during the construction phase.

This creation is different from previous projects because of the very high amount of capital expenditure involved - more than €240 million.

I am very happy that the ERAMET Group has been able to create, in optimal conditions and with constant support from the Gabonese State, this Metallurgical Complex that is so decisive for the country's industrial future."

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ERAMET is a leading global producer of:

  • alloying metals, particularly manganese and nickel, used to improve the properties of steel,
  • high-performance special steels and alloys used in industries such as aerospace, power generation and tooling.

ERAMET also has major research and development projects in new business lines with high growth potential, such as mineral sands (titanium dioxide and zircon), lithium and in recycling.
The Group employs approximately 14,000 people in 21 countries. ERAMET is part of Euronext Paris
Compartment A.


COMILOG, an ERAMET Group subsidiary, is a global leader in the manganese sector and a major player in the Gabonese economy. With 50 years' presence in Gabon, COMILOG produces in Moanda manganese ore and high-grade sinter, as well as silico-manganese and manganese metal in two processing plants inaugurated on June 12th, 2015. COMILOG also holds the concession to the Gabonese rail network via SETRAG.


Vice-President Strategy and Financial Communication
Philippe Gundermann
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 38 42 78

Investor Relations and Strategic Analyst
Hughes-Marie Aulanier
Tel: +33 (0)1 45 38 38 04

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Eramet press release PDF