Prescription Oxytocin Now Included in Diet Doc's Sugar Craver's Diet Plans, Helping those Whose Weight has Gotten out of Control due to Emotionally-Driven, Anxiety-Related and Stress-Induced Sugar Cravings

Diet Doc's Sugar Craver's diet plans now include powerful prescription Oxytocin, a natural hormone known to reduce anxiety, enabling patients to comfortably focus on losing excess weight

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 9, 2015 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- People throughout the country continue to search for, try and fail diet after diet. Many are enticed by internet advertisements promising overnight weight loss miracles while others attempt stringent regimens that include unappealing foods and rigorous exercise routines. The professional fast weight loss experts at Diet Doc know that the best diet is actually the diet that an individual can stick to. They also know that there are countless reasons why a person's weight may have gotten out of control and, failing to address these underlying reasons, will only result in more yo-yo dieting, more stress and more disappointment. For this reason, Diet Doc developed their diet plans that focus on the real reason for weight gain. Their diet plans are geared toward identifying and fixing the root problem and, because of this, the company has become a nationally recognized leader in the medical weight loss industry and has helped their patients reach their ideal weight, with over 97% losing 20 or more pounds per month.

It is true that many people who struggle with weight gain also have some history of stress or anxiety and that many of these people find relief and comfort from sugary, high calorie foods. Adding a strict diet to an already anxious state of mind can only deliver more stress. Referred to as "emotional eating", the impact of sugar and carbohydrates releases dopamine and serotonin in the brain – the feel good chemicals. Emotional eating is not simply only about knowing what the correct food choice is, but instead is a strong driver which, for most people, is closely linked to stress, mood, anxiety and the neurotransmitters dopamine and serotonin. By supporting the underlying cause of the never ending cycle of weight gain and weight loss, Diet Doc brings relief to their patients by helping them take control of their own health, change bad eating behaviors and break old habits.

Because Diet Doc understands that most people do not have a medical background, they created their all-inclusive Sugar Craver's diet plans that are easy to follow because they include the supervision of their highly trained fast weight loss team. Not only is this team available for unlimited consultation, questions, suggestions and support, but they also follow each patient's weight loss progress. And now, by making the natural hormone, Oxytocin, available to those who suffer emotionally-driven and anxiety and stress-induced sugar cravings, more and more people are finding it easier than ever before to reach their ideal weight safely, quickly and comfortably without interruption of hunger or sugar cravings.

Diet Doc's Oxytocin is not a synthetic hormone. It is a hormone that is naturally produced and released by the body during times of stress and anxiety. Also known as the "love hormone", Oxytocin actually effects the cortex of the brain to increase the human bonding instinct while helping people feel more comfortable in their own skin, soothing the mood and reducing anxiety. Diet Doc's Oxytocin simply forces the body to release its own natural hormone during stressful times when the urge to overindulge or reach for comfort foods is at its peak.

New Diet Doc patients will complete a health questionnaire prior to scheduling a personal, online Diet Doc doctor consultation. During the consult, the entire system is reviewed, medical history is assessed, past weight loss attempts are examined and weight loss goals are discussed. A full, written doctor report will outline recommendations for the best method of weight loss that will include delicious, easy to follow, nutritionist-designed meal and snack plans that are specific to each patient's needs and likes, along with powerful prescription diet products that work flawlessly with the Sugar Craver's diet plans to seek out fat that has stored itself comfortably and dangerously in the cells and around the internal organs. By forcing this stored fat into the bloodstream, it is quickly burned as fuel and flushed from the system. Patients will notice the very fast loss of pounds and inches from the hard to reach areas, such as the belly, hips, thighs, underarms and buttocks. And, by incorporating Diet Doc's natural Oxytocin into their already impressive stable of diet products and healthy living supplements, they are now able to help those who are struggling to lose excess fat due to anxiety and stress-induced sugar cravings and hunger.

Diet Doc's uniquely crafted Sugar Craver's diet plans and pure, prescription diet products have helped people nationwide improve their physical and emotional health and they invite those who are struggling to lose 10-20 pounds to those who must 100 pounds or more to call 888-934-4451 or visit to schedule a personal, no-cost consultation.

About the Company:

Diet Doc Weight Loss is the nation's leader in medical, weight loss offering a full line of prescription medication, doctor, nurse and nutritional coaching support.  For over a decade, Diet Doc has produced a sophisticated, doctor designed weight loss program that addresses each individual specific health need to promote fast, safe and long term weight loss. 

Diet Doc Contact Information:
Providing care across the USA
San Diego, CA
(888) 934-4451
Facebook: https://www.facebook/DietDocMedicalWeightLoss?ref=hl