New financial targets at Kungsleden

Kungsleden presented a new business plan stretching to 2020 and new financial
targets during the Year-End Report.

  ·  The equity ratio is to be at least 35 per cent over time and shall not be
lower than 30 per cent
  · The LTV-ratio should be in the interval of 50-60 per cent with a target of
55 per cent over time
  · The interest coverage rate shall be more than 2.5 times
  · Kungsleden shall over time obtain a higher return on equity than comparable
listed property companies
  · Kungsleden shall increase the profit from property management by growing the
property portfolio and by increasing the NOI in the current portfolio
  · The dividend in Kungsleden shall increase in relation to the development of
the profit from property management
For more information, please contact:

Biljana Pehrsson, Chief Executive of Kungsleden | +46 (0)8 503 052 04 |
Anders Kvist, Deputy CEO and CFO of Kungsleden | +46 (0)8 503 052 11 |
Detta pressmeddelande finns tillgängligt på svenska på

Kungsleden AB (publ) discloses the information in this press release according
to the Swedish Securities Markets Act and/or the Swedish Financial Trading Act.
The information was provided for public release on 17 February 2016 at 8:45 a.m.

Kungsleden’s business concept is to own, manage and improve commercial
properties in growth regions in Sweden and to deliver attractive total returns.
Kungsleden’s strategies to create value are based on meeting the premises
requirements of customers by managing, improving and developing properties and
planning consents and by optimising the company’s property portfolio. Kungsleden
has been quoted on NASDAQ Stockholm since 1999.

