Transactions of executives and related parties in NKT shares

Company Announcement

20 March 2019
Announcement No. 5

Transactions of executives and related parties in NKT shares

According to the Market Abuse Regulation art. 19 NKT announces to have received notification regarding acquisition of NKT shares as follows:

Name:Jens Due Olsen
Position:Chairman of the Board of Directors
Issuer and securities code:NKT A/S, DK0010287663
LEI code529900197LKWCEQ0NL18
Type of transaction:Acquisition of shares
Market:Nasdaq Copenhagen
Acquisition date:19 March 2019
No. of securities acquired34,206
Purchase price, DKK4,004,391.70

Investor Relations:    Michael Nass Nielsen, Head of Investor Relations, Tel.: +45 2494 1654
Press:                      Helle Gudiksen, Head of Group Communications, Tel.: +45 2349 9098



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