Outotec’s sustainability report 2019: Experts dedicated to sustainable partnerships


Outotec’s sustainability report 2019: Experts dedicated to sustainable partnerships

Outotec has published its 2019 sustainability report today. The online report themed ‘Experts dedicated to sustainable partnerships’ illustrates how Outotec’s experts motivated by our mission, ‘Sustainable use of Earth’s natural resources´ are dedicated to solving demanding challenges in co-operation with customers. By sharing knowledge and combining forces with customers, partners and the scientific community we create sustainable solutions that benefit all parties and the environment.

 “Our core competence comes from our people and their knowledge. Outotec’s proven technologies and services allow our customers to develop their operations sustainably and get the best value from their assets. We work hard to be the best in the industry when it comes to resource efficiency, energy efficiency, water usage and minimizing emissions,” says Outotec CEO Markku Teräsvasara.

One of the key sustainability achievements in 2019 was our handprint – 6.6 million tonnes less CO2e emissions generated by the metals industry compared to annual industry baselines by using six Outotec’s technologies. Another key achievement was the safety performance as our lost-time injury rate covering both employees and contractors was as low as 0.6. This is the result of systematic long-term safety work and culture.

At the beginning of 2020, Outotec was ranked 18th in the Global 100 Index of the most sustainable companies in the world. Outotec was included in the Index for the eighth consecutive year. In the EcoVadis Supplier CSR Assessment, Outotec maintained the Gold Certificate for our corporate responsibility practices.

In the report, we present cases that exemplify co-creation, high expertise and use of our sustainable technologies. The report also demonstrates our commitment to continuously improve our sustainability performance, data quality and reporting.

The report is prepared according to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards and is third-party assured by Ecobio Ltd. The report is available in English at: https://www.outotec.com/sustainability-report/2019

For further information please contact:


Tea Maasalo, Director - Corporate Legal & Corporate Responsibility
Tel. +358 40 7008119

Saija Kinanen, Director - Corporate Communications
Tel. +358 20 529 2044, +358 40 187 5353

e-mail firstname.lastname@outotec.com

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