Terrestrial Energy Opens Charlotte Office to Lead IMSR Generation IV Nuclear Plant Commercialization

CHARLOTTE, N.C., Nov. 18, 2020 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Terrestrial Energy USA has opened its new headquarters office in Charlotte, North Carolina as it continues with commercial development of its Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) power plant. The IMSR uses Generation IV reactor technology to achieve high efficiency electric power generation and heat for industrial applications. The Charlotte office will provide engineering and regulatory work for licensing, constructing and commissioning of IMSR power plants for commercial operation.

“Charlotte is in a strategic region with a business friendly environment. It is a leading hub for America’s nuclear industry and has a nuclear qualified workforce,” said Simon Irish, CEO of Terrestrial Energy USA. “This is a great location for us to build our team and business to commercialize our IMSR Generation IV nuclear power plant.”

“Congratulations to Terrestrial Energy on its new U.S. headquarters in Charlotte, North Carolina. With its highly skilled workforce supporting many technology companies, there is no better city for innovation of advanced nuclear technologies than Charlotte,” said U.S. Senator Thom Tillis of North Carolina. “Advanced nuclear technologies have the potential to play a major role in our future clean energy mix and supply clean, resilient and cost-competitive energy.”

“The opening of Terrestrial Energy’s U.S. headquarters in Charlotte illustrates the city’s attractiveness as a commercial region for burgeoning industry,” said Rep. Alma Adams, who represents the Charlotte area in the U.S. House of Representatives. “We are excited to welcome Terrestrial Energy to Charlotte and to play a role in its success as a job creator for our One Meck community.”

“The City of Charlotte welcomes Terrestrial Energy to our great city, and we look forward to playing our part in realizing the wonderful opportunities that advanced nuclear innovations can bring to all of us,” said Charlotte Mayor Vi Lyles.

“On behalf of E4 Carolinas, we are very pleased to see one of our 140-plus member companies relocate to the Charlotte region, and we believe this decision further reinforces the Carolinas as the preeminent nuclear cluster in the United States,” said Jeffrey Merrifield, Chairman of E4 Carolinas, the trade association for the Carolina energy companies and organizations. “We look forward to Terrestrial Energy, a leading advanced reactor developer, further engaging with the more than 1,000 energy companies and organizations in the Carolinas.”

About Terrestrial Energy USA

Terrestrial Energy USA is developing the Integral Molten Salt Reactor (IMSR) for U.S. market deployment. The IMSR is a Generation IV reactor technology that represents true innovation in cost and functionality. It will provide safe, clean, reliable and cost-competitive heat for many industrial applications, including electric power provision and heat for industrial processes, such as chemical synthesis and desalination. The IMSR extends the applicability of nuclear energy beyond its current footprint in on-grid electric power markets. It offers a promising pathway to deep decarbonization by displacing fossil fuel combustion across a broad industrial front. Using an innovative design based on proven Molten Salt Reactor technology, IMSR power plants can be in commercial operation in the late 2020s.

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