TORONTO, July 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- What: Over the last week, families and advocates have become increasingly concerned that the consultation & decision-making process regarding the Ford government’s plan to give a 30-year license and expansion is being controlled to ensure that the for-profit chain Southbridge Care Homes gets the license despite its horrific record before and during the pandemic.
Families & advocates who have been part of the consultation process are speaking out, calling for a renewed, fair process that does not exclude consideration of the evidence about the corporation’s fitness to run a long-term care home for 30-years. They are insisting that the Ford government and its Long-Term Care Minister Rod Phillips take responsibility for the decision, as is written in the Long-Term Care Homes Act, and consider the criteria, including the operational record of the corporation in running the long-term care home, as is required in the Act.
The Minister claimed last week in a press conference that the decision about the license is not his call, despite the fact that the Act clearly states that it is. In the public consultation held by teleconference last week, the Ministry representative tried to limit participants from asking questions and commenting on the corporation’s record operating the home, even arguing down participants who tried to ask about care levels. In correspondence, the Ministry has listed criteria that expressly excludes the operating record of the corporation, despite the fact that this is clearly part of the criteria that must be considered in the Long-Term Care Homes Act.
The Ontario Health Coalition and the families who lost loved ones are increasingly concerned that the process is being controlled in order to give Southbridge a new license and expansion.
When: Tuesday, July 27 at 11 a.m. by Zoom.
Media are invited to join by Zoom at the following link:
or phone at +1 647 558 0588
Meeting ID: 871 6851 6856
Passcode: 413643
Who: Family members of residents, advocates and lawyers.
For more information: Natalie Mehra, executive director, Ontario Health Coalition 416-230-6402; Cathy Parks, Families of Orchard Villa.