PHILADELPHIA, Aug. 23, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Catapult Learning, a provider of intervention programs for students and professional development solutions for teachers in both public and nonpublic K-12 schools, today announced the availability of its new high-dosage tutoring offering, an intensive program designed to reinforce students’ foundational skills and quickly recover their unfinished learning. Debuting as students return to school, the program supports academic and social emotional growth during this critical time in their educational journey. It is uniquely designed for grades K-12 and features an acceleration approach that targets key prerequisite and grade-level standards and skills, providing a personalized plan to guide instruction and support differentiation.
With more than 5,000 educators, Catapult’s proprietary high-dosage tutoring program is designed to scale individualized learning. Led by expertly trained tutors, the program begins with an academic diagnostic assessment to pinpoint areas in which support is needed. From there, an individualized plan is created to set learning goals, followed by flexible instruction up to five times a week, with 45+ minute sessions in small group settings. Students are re-assessed throughout the program to monitor progress and growth, allowing for ongoing plan recalibration and goal resetting.
“Our high-dosage tutoring solution is an evolution in Catapult’s mission to help our partners positively impact every child with whom they engage,” said Devon Wible, vice president of academics, Catapult Learning. “This comprehensive and integrated approach for families and schools focuses on the whole student, optimizing academic and social-emotional outcomes to accelerate learning and enable significant achievement over a single school year.”
The high-dosage tutoring program is most effective for at-risk students when combined with supplemental services such as Catapult Learning’s AchieveLiteracy and AchieveMath intervention programs. High-dosage tutoring provides intensive, research-based, grade-level support with a focus on high-impact content and skills, allowing students to quickly recover from unfinished learning caused by disruption from the pandemic.
Embedded into the curriculum is a social-emotional learning (SEL) component, expanding students’ essential skills in critical thinking, collaboration, creativity and empathy, all of which are critical for success in college, career and beyond.
Additional student and family supports are also critical aspects of the program, which is based on the understanding that the best learning emerges as a result of supportive relationships that make learning challenging, engaging and meaningful.
To learn more about this turnkey program, visit here.
About Catapult Learning
Catapult Learning, a division of FullBloom, provides intervention programs for students and professional development solutions for teachers in both public and nonpublic K-12 schools. Our 5,000 educators deliver evidence-based programs that include student instruction, family support services, and professional development designed to help teachers’ efforts to successfully integrate proven practices into the classroom. Executed by a team of experienced coaches, our professional development services strengthen the capacity of teachers and leaders to raise and sustain student achievement, improving education and overall quality of life. Intervention programs support struggling learners with instruction tailored to the unique needs of each student. Across the country, Catapult Learning partners with 500+ school districts, including 18 of the 20 largest, to produce positive outcomes that promote academic and professional growth. Additionally, Catapult has strong partnerships in place with the U.S Department of Defense Education Activity and the Center on Teaching & Learning at the University of Oregon. Learn more at