Diagnostic Ultrasound Market to Generate Revenue of $8.28 Billion by 2028 | Top 5 Players Generates to Over 50% Market Revenue

Global diagnostic ultrasound market is valued at USD 6.25 billion in 2021, and it is anticipated to attain a value of USD 8.28 billion by 2028, at a CAGR of 4.1% over the prediction period (2022–2028).

Westford, USA, Oct. 12, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The diagnostic ultrasound market is growing rapidly due to the increasing demand for early detection and treatment of diseases. The technology is also evolving rapidly, with new applications and capabilities being developed constantly. This dynamic environment presents both challenges and opportunities for companies in the industry.

The demand for diagnostic ultrasound market is growing rapidly as the population ages and the prevalence of chronic disease increases. Ultrasound is a safe, non-invasive imaging modality that can provide valuable information about the body. In line with this, diagnostic ultrasound is used to evaluate a variety of conditions, including heart disease, vascular disease, abdominal pain, and pelvic pain. It can also be used to detect early signs of cancer. Ultrasound is an important tool in the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases.

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It can be used to evaluate the structure and function of organs, as well as to guide interventions such as biopsies and needle aspirates. This technology is also being used more frequently for fetal evaluations and prenatal diagnosis.

Due to the growing demand for these services in the global diagnostic ultrasound market, many healthcare facilities are investing in diagnostic ultrasound machines. However, there is a shortage of trained sonographers, which means that many facilities are struggling to keep up with the demand. This shortage is expected to continue in the coming years, as the number of baby boomers who require medical care grows.

SkyQuest analysis of the market provides insights into the current state of the industry and its future prospects. The report includes a detailed examination of the market size and growth, major players, technology trends, and regulatory environment.

However, the report on the global diagnostic ultrasound market also notes that the industry is facing some challenges, including regulatory headwinds, declining reimbursement rates, and intensifying price competition. Nevertheless, we conclude that the ultrasound industry remains an attractive investment opportunity.

Diagnostic Ultrasound Market is Playing Promising Role in Cancer Diagnostics

Cancer is the second leading cause of death worldwide, accounting for an estimated 10.6 million deaths in 2021. Early detection and diagnosis of cancer is key to successful treatment and survival, yet many cancer cases are diagnosed at an advanced stage when the disease is more difficult to treat.

Radiotherapy is a vital tool in the fight against cancer, but its effectiveness can be limited by the side effects of treatment, which can include fatigue, skin reactions and secondary cancers. Ultrasound-guided radiation therapy (UGRT) is a promising new technology that uses ultrasound imaging to target radiotherapy more precisely to the tumor site, with the potential to improve outcomes and reduce side effects.

Ultrasound is an increasingly important tool in the fight against cancer, with new applications being developed all the time. SkyQuest has released a new analysis of the growing use of diagnostic ultrasound market in cancer diagnostics , which highlights the many ways in which this technology is being used to improve patient care.

One of the most important uses of ultrasound is for early detection of various cancers such as breast and gastrointestinal. Ultrasound can be used to scan for tumors that are too small to be detected by other imaging modalities such as X-rays or CT scans. This means that cancers can be detected and treated at an earlier stage, when they are more likely to be curable.

Today, ultrasound is also being used more and more to guide biopsies and other procedures across global diagnostic ultrasound market. This means that doctors can target areas for treatment more accurately, which minimizes side effects and improves outcomes. The SkyQuest analysis also highlights the fact that ultrasound is becoming increasingly affordable, as newer generations of ultrasound machines are more compact and require less expensive equipment. This means that ultrasound will become increasingly accessible to patients around the world, regardless of their income level.

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Overall, the SkyQuest’s analysis of the global diagnostic ultrasound market paints a very positive picture of the growing role of ultrasound in cancer diagnosis and treatment. This technology is making a real difference in the lives of patients, and it is only going to become more widespread and commonly used in the years ahead.

Top 5 Players Generates to Over 50% Revenue of Global Diagnostics Ultrasound Market

A new study from market research firm SkyQuest has found that the top 5 companies in the global diagnostic ultrasound market generate more than 50% of the market's revenue. This is a significant concentration of power within the industry, and it highlights the importance of these companies in terms of their impact on the overall market.

The study looked at the revenue generated by each company in the diagnostic ultrasound market in 2021, and found that the top 5 companies (GE Healthcare, Koninklijke Philips N.V., Siemens Healthineers AG, FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation, and Samsung) accounted for 51.8% of the total market revenue. These companies have been in the business for many years and have a solid hold on the market share. Each company has a different product portfolio and pricing strategy, but all of them offer high-quality products that are backed by extensive research and development.

GE Healthcare is one of the largest companies in the world and offers a wide range of medical products, including diagnostic ultrasound machines. The company has a strong history dating back to 1994 and is known for its innovation, quality, and customer service. However, GE Healthcare is also one of the most expensive brands, which can make it out of reach for some consumers.

The study found that GE Healthcare's ultrasound machines were able to accurately diagnose a variety of diseases and conditions, including cancer, heart disease, and gastrointestinal disorders. The company has maintained a strong position in the global diagnostic ultrasound market, with a 13% share of the global market. The company's products are well-regarded by customers and have a reputation for reliability and quality. GE Healthcare has a wide range of product offerings, from entry-level systems to high-end units designed for specific applications such as cardiovascular imaging.

SkyQuest’s analysis also found that GE Healthcare is facing significant challenges in the diagnostic ultrasound market. The company has been losing market share to rivals such as Philips and Siemens in recent years. In addition, several new entrants into the market, such as Samsung and Hitachi, are offering competitive products at lower prices. As a result of these challenges, we believe that GE Healthcare will need to make significant changes to its strategy if it wants to regain its position as the leading player in the market.

SkyQuest study provides valuable insights into the structure of the diagnostic ultrasound market, and its findings underline the importance of considering this landscape when making strategic decisions within the industry.

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Top Players in Global Diagnostics Ultrasound Market

  • GE Healthcare
  • Koninklijke Philips N.V.
  • Siemens Healthineers AG
  • FUJIFILM Holdings Corporation
  • Canon Medical Systems Corporation
  • Mindray Medical International Limited
  • Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd.
  • Konica Minolta Inc.
  • Hologic, Inc.

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