Dublin, Jan. 16, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The " Syndromic Multiplex Panels Markets. Strategies and Trends. Forecasts by Syndrome (Respiratory, Sepsis, Gi Etc.) by Place, by Product and by Country. With Market Analysis, Executive Guides and Customization. " report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The COVID pandemic has ushered in a new world of infectious disease diagnostics. Infectious disease Dx is changing and will change more in the future. Can a rapidly growing market expand even faster?
Find out all about it in this comprehensive report on Syndromic Multiplex Diagnostics.
Are targeted tests for specific pathogens going to be obsolete? Will diagnostics replace physicians? Will Infectious Disease testing move into the Physician's Office or even the Home?
Syndromic testing is proving itself in the market. Players are reporting double digit growth. Lowering costs, improving outcomes and even helping in the battle against Anti Microbial Resistance. Learn about this market including the issues and outlooks. The two key trends of Point of Care Testing and Molecular Diagnostics are merging with spectacular success. It could possibly displace most frontline test protocols AND save money at the same time. The report forecasts the market size for five years. In a special section, the report looks at the numbers on how syndromic molecular diagnostics is replacing traditional panel based ordering of infectious disease tests.
Make investment decisions and valuations with confidence using the latest data.
The report includes five-year market forecasts.
Key Topics Covered:
1 Market Guides
1.1 Situation Analysis
1.2 Guide for Executives and Marketing Staff
1.3 Guide for Investment Analysts and Management Consultants
2 Introduction and Market Definition
2.1 What are Syndromic Multiplex Tests?
2.2 Syndromic Testing - the quiet revolution in diagnostics
2.2.1 Syndromic Testing - more than Panels
2.3 Market Definition
2.3.1 Multiplex Market Size
2.3.2 Currency
2.3.3 Years
2.4 Methodology
2.4.1 Authors
2.4.2 Sources
2.5 Perspective: Healthcare, the IVD Industry, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
2.5.1 Global Healthcare Spending
2.5.2 Spending on Diagnostics
2.5.3 Important Role of Insurance for Diagnostics
3 The Infectious Diseases - Guide to the Pathogens
4 Industry Overview
5 Market Trends
5.1 Factors Driving Growth
5.1.1 Speed of Diagnosis.
5.1.2 Effect of Syndromic Testing on Costs
5.1.3 Point of Care Advantage
5.1.4 Syndrome Testing, Accuracy and Diagnostic Risk
5.1.5 Single Visits
5.1.6 Improvement in Outcomes
5.1.7 Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic
5.2 Factors Limiting Growth
5.2.1 Lower Prices
5.2.2 Administration/reimbursement
5.2.3 Infectious Disease is Declining But.
5.2.4 Wellness Hurts
5.2.5 Economic Growth improves Living Standards.
5.2.6 Impact of the Pandemic Recession
5.3 Instrumentation and Automation
5.3.1 Instruments Key to Market Share
5.3.2 The Shrinking Machine
5.3.3 Syndrome Testing Moving to Big Instruments?
5.4 Diagnostic Technology Development
5.4.1 Syndromictrends.com
5.4.2 Comparing Syndrome and Targeted Testing
5.4.3 The Multiplex Paradigm Shift
5.4.4 The Sepsis Testing Market - Bellwether for Syndromics
5.4.5 The Single Visit and Antimicrobial Resistance
5.4.6 Syndromics drives POCT adoption
5.4.7 A Big Future for PCR?
6 Syndromic Testing Recent Developments
6.1 Recent Developments - Importance and How to Use This Section
7 Profiles of Key Syndromic Testing Companies
8 The Global Market for Syndromic Multiplex Diagnostics
9 Global Syndromic Multiplex Markets - By Syndrome
9.1 Respiratory
9.2 Gastrointestinal
9.3 Blood
9.4 Meningitis/Encephalitis
9.5 Sexually Transmitted Disease
9.6 Other Syndrome
10 Global MDx Infectious Disease Markets - by Place
10.1 Hospital Lab
10.2 Outpatient Lab
10.3 Point of Care
10.4 Other Place
11 Global MDx Infectious Disease Markets - by Product
11.1 Instruments
11.2 Cartridges
11.3 Reagents
11.4 Other Product
12 Appendices
Companies Mentioned
- Abacus Diagnostica
- Abbott Diagnostics
- Accelerate Diagnostics
- Ador Diagnostics
- Akonni Biosystems
- Alveo Technologies
- Antelope Dx
- Applied BioCode
- Aus Diagnostics
- Baebies
- Beckman Coulter Diagnostics
- Becton, Dickinson and Company
- Binx Health
- Biocartis
- BioFire Diagnostics (bioMerieux)
- bioMerieux Diagnostics
- Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc
- Bosch Healthcare Solutions GmbH
- Cepheid (Danaher)
- Credo Diagnostics Biomedical
- Cue Health
- Curetis N.V./Curetis GmbH
- Diagenode Diagnostics
- Diasorin S.p.A
- Enzo Life Sciences, Inc
- Eurofins Scientific
- Fluxergy
- Fusion Genomics
- Genetic Signatures
- GenMark Dx (Roche)
- Hibergene Diagnostics
- Hologic
- Immunexpress
- Inflammatix
- Invetech
- Janssen Diagnostics
- Karius
- Lexagene
- LightDeck Diagnostics
- Lucira Health
- Luminex Corp
- Maxim Biomedical
- Meridian Bioscience
- Mesa Biotech (Thermo Fisher)
- Millipore Sigma
- Mobidiag (Hologic)
- Molbio Diagnostics
- Nanomix
- Novel Microdevices
- Operon
- Oxford Nanopore Technologies
- Panagene
- Perkin Elmer
- Primerdesign (Novacyt)
- Prominex
- Qiagen Gmbh
- Quantumdx
- Quidel
- Roche Molecular Diagnostics
- Saw Diagnostics
- Seegene
- Siemens Healthineers
- Sona Nanotech
- SpeeDx
- T2 Biosystems
- Talis Biomedical
- Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc
- Veramarx
- Visby Medical
- XCR Diagnostics
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/cz28sb
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