TORONTO, Ontario, April 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Today, the Windsor-Essex Regional Technology Development Site (WE RTDS), led by Invest WindsorEssex (IWE), announced a partnership with virtual reality (VR) company Virtualware (EPA:MLVIR) to expand SME access and use cases for Canada’s largest publicly accessible VR CAVE.
The WE RTDS is one of seven Regional Technology Development Sites (RTDS) made possible through the Ontario Centre of Innovation’s (OCI) Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN) initiative. The WE RTDS specializes in cross-border technology, advanced simulation, virtual reality and automotive cybersecurity.
The use of virtual reality across all industry sectors brings more interactivity, flexibility and connectivity to work, without compromising the sense of presence. VR is driving widespread changes to allow companies to leverage their digital assets and improve processes such as prototyping, reviewing design, product development, training and promotion of products and services.
Today’s announced partnership between Invest WindsorEssex and Virtualware further supports innovation in Canada’s automobility ecosystem through the expansion of IWE’s VR CAVE capabilities and the programming available to companies through the WE RTDS. The IWE VR CAVE will now include a unique integration with VIROO, the pioneering VR as a Service (VRaaS) platform developed by Virtualware.
Virtualware’s flagship product is now integrated with the VR CAVE. Through the development of a new VR CAVE functionality, the team at Virtualware has improved VIROO to support SME’s working on digital twinning projects locally and across the OVIN sites.
Using the advanced VIROO VR platform, participants can be supported by staff at the IWE VR CAVE to develop their digital twin models and iterate in real-time using a variety of both 2D and 3D devices. This helps to remove any previous barriers for support and access to services that once existed where participants needed to be on site to use this specialized software. Having this new platform also allows greater connectivity between OVIN RTDSs to support more clients and provide complementary services.
The three-year partnership between IWE and Virtualware will leverage each organization’s strengths and accelerate the adoption of VR in Ontario-based SMEs.
“Our partnership with Invest WindsorEssex, Canada’s mobility innovative cluster, will accelerate VR adoption across the automotive industry, creating valuable opportunities and building the most powerful enterprise VR ecosystem in the country," Unai Extremo, CEO, Virtualware.
“Our cooperation with IWE is to strategically consolidate an ecosystem where the use of VR in the auto sector defines success in terms of companies utilizing 3D content as actual dynamic assets with real economic and transformative impact,” Michael Rosas, VP General Manager for North America, Virtualware.
“This is the type of partnership that will help us continue to position Ontario as a North American leader in mobility innovation and next-generation vehicle production. Expansion of the IWE VR CAVE capabilities and accessibility allows for increased programming and support available to SMEs through the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network’s Regional Technology Development Sites,” Raed Kadri, Vice President, Strategic Initiatives, and Head of the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network, Ontario Centre of Innovation.
About Invest WindsorEssex
Invest WindsorEssex is the lead economic development agency for the Windsor-Essex region. The focus of the organization is to develop and execute strategies to retain, expand, attract and help new businesses start-up in the Windsor-Essex region. Invest WindsorEssex is led by a board of distinguished community leaders. A team of professional staff will assist you with all your location and investment decisions by working one-on-one with businesses, to facilitate the process of starting, growing or locating in Windsor-Essex.
About Virtualware
Virtualware is one of the pioneering corporations in the European Virtual Reality industry applied to the industrial, educational and healthcare sectors. Virtualware’s flagship product VIROO, the world’s pioneering VR as a Service (VRaaS) platform, makes Virtual Reality accessible to companies and institutions of all sizes and sectors. It is an all-in-one digital solution that enables the development and deployment of multi-user Virtual Reality applications remotely.
About the Ontario Vehicle Innovation Network (OVIN)
OVIN is an initiative of the Government of Ontario, led by the Ontario Centre of Innovation (OCI), designed to reinforce Ontario’s position as a North American leader in advanced automotive technology and smart mobility solutions such as connected vehicles, autonomous vehicles and electric and low-carbon vehicle technologies. Through resources such as research and development (R&D) support, talent and skills development, technology acceleration, business and technical supports, and demonstration grounds, OVIN provides a competitive advantage to Ontario-made automotive and mobility technology companies.