ATLANTA, May 05, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Chasing Poker Greatness is delighted to announce that it has officially launched its first live cash poker course known as Live Cash Preflop Bootcamp. Chasing Poker Greatness is a well-known online poker website that publishes poker podcasts, sells online poker courses, offers private poker coaching, produces poker training videos, and runs a coaching-for-profit (CFP) poker stable (the CPG Wolves). Previously, Chasing Poker Greatness focused solely on online poker, but now it is offering customers a course specialized for “IRL” live cash games.
With live poker continuing to grow post-pandemic, helped in large part by the explosion of poker livestreams and poker vloggers, Chasing Poker Greatness has armed its students with highly advanced – yet still accessible – preflop knowledge and strategy optimized to crush the competition in live cash poker games. Whether it’s in a casino or a home game, Live Cash Preflop Bootcamp offers preflop ranges to form a solid foundation for virtually every hand in every configuration that a student could play. The course has learning modules that deep dive into strategy against not only “Regs” (advanced players), but also “Fish” (novice players), so that students are primed for profit for whoever they face on the felt.
About Live Cash Preflop Bootcamp
Live Cash Preflop Bootcamp has a combination of video lesson content, engaging quizzes to assist knowledge retention, and ongoing community support to teach the students the most important preflop principles and execute when they go out into the world. Chasing Poker Greatness summarizes the course origins and development by stating, “Implementing the same data-driven development process as the original Preflop Bootcamp, Coach Brad and the CPG team have constructed a comprehensive course that equips you with a preflop strategy for both Fish and Regs in the live cash poker streets.”
Chasing Poker Greatness has carefully designed the learning materials for this course to ensure that students get all the tools they need to play live cash games with the best strategies in their arsenal. CPG’s approach to course R&D is built on a foundation of Mass Data Analysis (MDA) that is, “drawn from millions of poker hands, to give you a max exploit roadmap to the land of +EV decision making at all stakes for implementation both online and live on the felt.”
For a one-time fee of $499 (backed by a 100% money back guarantee), students gain full lifetime access to the expansively inclusive Live Cash Preflop Bootcamp online course, which includes:
- 88 preflop ranges
- 3 main modules of preflop study including RFI & Overcall, Strategy vs. Fish, & Strategy vs. Regs
- 16 mobile-friendly video lessons with Coach Brad
- 15 mobile-friendly quizzes designed for knowledge retention
- 67 mobile-friendly flash card decks with AI pattern recognition
- Mobile- and tablet-friendly PDF range document for study on the go
- Access to a private community channel for group learning
- Direct access to Coach Brad every 4 weeks through Poker Power Hour, a 60 minute Zoom call for all students enrolled in the course
For less than the price of a single buy-in at a 2/5 game, students can gain full access and don’t have to worry about hidden fees or recurring monthly subscriptions that lapse before you know it.
About Chasing Poker Greatness
The CPG team is focused daily on literally chasing poker greatness; hence the name. Chasing Poker Greatness launched in 2019 as a simple podcast that has now evolved into something so much more. Coach Brad Wilson and his team now have a multi-faceted hub where people can get poker training, coaching, and courses. Brad Wilson has built a community of players who are striving to enhance their edge in the rapidly changing world of poker. The work they’re doing is meant to help beginners, seasoned players, and even high stakes players who want to delve deeper into the world of poker and conquer the challenges they may face in games and just generally as a player of poker. If you’d like to learn more about Chasing Poker Greatness, visit their website.