Aurora, Colo., July 27, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Aik Hom, an Aurora Public Schools (APS) alumnus, has been named the 2023 Golden Eagle Scholar. As the recipient, Hom will receive a four-year scholarship to attend Colorado State University Global (CSU Global), a fully online university, as part of a program created in partnership with APS to provide 100% tuition coverage exclusively to APS seniors.
Pursuing a degree in computer science, Hom will begin classes August 14. Hom graduated from Hinkley High School in May 2023, along with an associate’s degree from the Community College of Aurora.
“Receiving the Golden Eagle Scholarship means a lot to me because it is like an open door, a new chapter that opened up for me,” said Hom. “Before receiving this scholarship, I believed that I may not be able to continue to my four-year degree. I am truly honored to be accepted. A full ride to be able to complete my degree, through remote, asynchronous learning, allows for an even further flexible schedule. I am looking forward to learning at my own pace and to be able to still have an outside life, allowing the ability to explore other ventures whilst still getting my education and making my parents proud.”
The Golden Eagle Scholarship allows APS graduates the opportunity to earn a bachelor’s degree debt-free and accelerate them toward achieving their career goals. The scholarship is awarded based on academic merit, demonstration of financial need, community engagement and work experience, plus a statement of goals. The Golden Eagle Scholarship includes a minimum $7,500 annual award each year for four years, which, coupled with a generous tuition discount issued by CSU Global to all APS students, will cover costs of tuition and books as Hom completes his degree.
“Now in its fifth year, this scholarship gives students in our community the pathway to earning a bachelor’s degree who may not otherwise have the opportunity,” said CSU Global President Becky Takeda-Tinker. “We are proud to partner with Aurora Public Schools to provide their deserving students with this award, and we are dedicated to working collaboratively with PK-12 school systems across Colorado to strengthen education opportunities towards upwards mobility in our state.”
CSU Global Senior Enrollment Counselor Susan Smith assists the Golden Eagle Scholars with enrollment each year and has been preparing Hom to begin classes this fall.
“It is an honor to work with these students and aid them in their personal and professional journey,” said Smith. “It is our goal to help the next generation of leaders advance in their careers. We are honored to welcome Aik to the CSU Global community and look forward to watching him pursue his aspirations.”
About Colorado State University Global
Colorado State University Global (CSU Global) offers career-relevant bachelor’s and master’s degree programs for working adults and nontraditional learners. As the first 100% online, institutionally accredited public university in the United States, CSU Global is focused on student success as its number one priority. Embracing the land grant heritage as part of the Colorado State University System, CSU Global sets the standard for quality and innovation in higher education through its expert faculty who are recognized as industry leaders and trained in working with adults in an online learning environment. CSU Global offers accelerated eight-week courses that start every four weeks. Visit to learn more.
About Aurora Public Schools
Aurora Public Schools is the fifth largest school district in Colorado. APS serves approximately 40,000 students and includes over 60 schools. It is one of the most diverse districts in the state with students from more than 130 countries who speak over 160 languages. Over the past several years, APS has made noteworthy improvements in graduation rates, dropout rates and overall student growth and achievement. In fact, since 2013, APS graduation rates have increased by almost 25%. During that same period of time, its dropout rate has sharply declined from 4.8% to 1.6%. APS 2026 is the district's strategic plan, which includes four strategic goals: 1) Every student will have a plan for their future, 2) Every student will have a set of skills to implement their plan, 3) Every student will have credentials that open doors and 4) Every student will identify and connect with a community of support. It is the district's vision that every student shapes a successful future.