NEW YORK, N.Y., Aug. 26, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- On August 26, 2023, the nation will mark Women's Equality Day to honor the signing of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution, 123 years ago in 1920, which affirmed that the right to vote should not be denied or abridged on the account of sex. But Vote Run Lead, the nonprofit that trains women to run for political office and win, is calling August 26 “WOMEN’S MAJORITY DAY!” Vote Run Lead is making a bold challenge: Women should not only strive for equality, but claim their rightful majority representation in government, especially in state legislatures.
“We deserve nothing less than the majority in a truly reflective democracy,” said Erin Vilardi, CEO and founder of Vote Run Lead. “Women are 51 percent of the population and the majority of voters — with Black women and other women of color among the nation’s most powerful voting blocs — yet we are just one-third of our nation’s leaders. It’s time to move from being activists to lawmakers, to seize the rights and the opportunities that we have earned. The fastest and most effective way to make our democracy more reflective and achieve these policy goals is for more women, especially women of color, to run for seats in our state legislatures, and to reach a majority in each and every statehouse.”
Why this focus? Vote Run Lead has identified state legislators as the most consequential office of this decade. Billions of dollars in federal funds are being funneled through state legislatures for infrastructure, health, housing, farming and education programs. Hundreds of bills relating to critical issues including restrictions on voting rights, limitations on abortion and reproductive health care, and caps on living wages are being debated, decided, and made into law, but with only 32.7 percent of state representatives and 30 percent of state senators being women, it’s inconceivable that our state governments can successfully serve everyone in this country. One notable gap: Of the 7,383 total legislative seats nationwide, women of color occupy an abysmal 8.2 percent.
“At Vote Run Lead, we are raising the bar,” Vilardi said. “For many, posting on social media is one way to make your voice heard. But you know what truly makes an impact? Running for office. Running for office changes things. Many of our basic human rights and freedoms are being decided in our statehouses, and we absolutely need women occupying these seats to protect our rights — from controlling our own bodies, to preserving ballot access, and even choosing what books our kids get to read. It is time that women hold the majority of power!”
In honor of Women’s Equality Majority Day, Vote Run Lead invites women interested in running for office to join the organization at its RUN/51 Summit — the first and only training event dedicated to sending women to our statehouses. The Vote Run Lead RUN/51 Summit will be held in Detroit, Michigan, November 17–19, 2023, and will provide an opportunity to work collaboratively in small teams, applying concepts and using campaigning tools in real time. The sessions will be dynamic, participatory, and offer a supportive learning environment where participants can explore their leadership style, reinforce their talents and strengths, and identify areas for growth. Inspiration will be boundless as attendees learn directly from newsmakers and women who have built and managed successful campaigns. Attendees will also have time and opportunities to forge connections with fellow leaders. Register at:
“Our goal is audacious yet achievable: Women holding 51 percent of seats in our state legislatures! If you're fed up with how things are, and you’re ready to make a change, whether it’s stepping up to run for office yourself or supporting another woman's political journey, Vote Run Lead and the RUN/51 Summit are the perfect place to get started,” Vilardi said.
About Vote Run Lead
With more than 55,000 women and gender-expansive candidates trained to run for office (and win!), Vote Run Lead is the largest and most diverse nonprofit training and campaign leadership program in the country, and is focused on improving gender representation in America’s statehouses. Vote Run Lead was founded by Erin Vilardi, formerly of The White House Project, and the organization seeks to unleash the political power of voters, candidates and leaders to create an equitable democracy. To learn more, visit or follow us on Twitter, Facebook and/or Instagram, all @VoteRunLead.
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