[Latest Report] Sodium Caseinate Market is estimated to be US$ 7.56 billion by 2032; Increasing Demand for Protein-Based Ingredients to Propel Market Growth-BY PMI

According to Prophecy Market Insights “Sodium Caseinate Market accounted for US$ 4.9 billion in 2022 and is estimated to be US$ 7.56 billion by 2032 and is anticipated to register a CAGR of 4.5%.”

Covina, Sept. 06, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Introduction:

Sodium Caseinate is used as a functional ingredient in various food and non-food applications. It is widely used as source of protein in food industries as a thickener, stabilizer and emulsifier and thus, added to processed foods such as soups, cheese, bakery products, sauces, etc.

Growing demand for protein-based product and rising demand from various industries such as food & beverage, pharmaceutical, personal care & cosmetics has given positive impact on target market growth. Growing demand for ready-to-eat food products and high disposable income has fueled the demand for Sodium Caseinate market growth over the forecast period.

How big is the Sodium Caseinate Market Industry?

The Sodium Caseinate market has experienced notable growth due to its diverse applications across industries such as food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics. This protein, derived from milk, serves as a valuable ingredient for its emulsifying, stabilizing, and binding properties. The market's size can fluctuate based on factors like geographical regions and evolving consumer preferences. To obtain the most current and precise information regarding the exact size of the Sodium Caseinate industry, referring to specialized market research reports and databases is recommended. These sources offer insights into market trends, growth trajectories, and key players, aiding in a comprehensive understanding of the industry's dimensions.

  • NO OF PAGES:161
  • BASE YEAR: May 2023
Attributes Details
Sodium Caseinate Market Value (2022) US$ 4.9Bn
Sodium Caseinate Market Projected Value (2032) US$ 7.56Bn
Sodium Caseinate Market CAGR (2022 – 2032) 4.5%

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  • North America - U.S., Canada
  • Europe - UK, Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Russia, Rest of Europe
  • Asia Pacific - Japan, India, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of Asia-Pacific
  • Latin America - Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Rest of Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa - South Africa, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Rest of Middle East & Africa

Analyst View:
Rapid growth in urbanization, change in lifestyle and growing demand for processed and functional foods has contributed in market growth. Presence of major key players, growing investment in chemical industries, and expansion of supply chain network is anticipated to increase demand for Sodium Caseinate market growth in coming years.


  • Growing Demand for Functional Ingredients: The increasing demand for functional ingredients in the food and beverage industry, driven by consumer preferences for healthier and more nutritious products, has propelled the demand for sodium caseinate. Its protein content and functional properties make it an attractive choice for enhancing the nutritional profile of various products.
  • Expanding Food and Beverage Industry: The expanding global food and beverage industry, fueled by population growth and changing consumption patterns, has created a substantial market for sodium caseinate. It is used in a range of products such as dairy alternatives, protein-fortified foods, and nutritional supplements.
  • Rising Health Consciousness: As consumers become more health-conscious, there is a growing interest in protein-rich diets. Sodium caseinate's role in providing a source of high-quality protein has contributed to its adoption in various dietary and sports nutrition products.
  • Functional Properties: Sodium caseinate offers functional properties such as emulsification, stabilization, and texture enhancement. These properties make it a sought-after ingredient in the food and beverage industry for improving product quality and shelf life.
  • Cosmetics and Personal Care Industry: Sodium caseinate's use in the cosmetics and personal care industry as a moisturizing and conditioning agent has driven demand. The trend towards natural and sustainable ingredients has further boosted its application in these products.


  • Allergen Concerns: Sodium caseinate is derived from milk, which can be a concern for individuals with lactose intolerance or milk allergies. This restricts its use in products targeting consumers with such dietary restrictions.
  • Price Volatility: The price of sodium caseinate can be subject to fluctuations due to factors such as changes in milk prices and availability. This price volatility can impact the cost-effectiveness of using sodium caseinate in formulations.
  • Competition from Alternatives: Sodium caseinate faces competition from other protein sources and functional ingredients that may offer similar or even better properties for certain applications. Manufacturers may opt for alternatives that align better with their specific product requirements.
  • Regulatory Challenges: Stringent regulations and labeling requirements in the food and beverage industry can pose challenges for the use of sodium caseinate, especially when it comes to making health claims or addressing allergen labeling.
  • Perception of Processed Ingredients: Some consumers may have concerns about the use of processed ingredients in their food and beverages. Sodium caseinate, as an additive, might face resistance from individuals who prefer minimally processed or natural products.

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Competitive Landscape & their strategies of Sodium Caseinate Market:

The prominent players operating in the Sodium Caseinate Market includes, 

  • AMCO Proteins
  • Seebio Biotech (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.
  • Lactoprot Deutschland GmbH
  • TATUA Co-Operative Dairy Co., Ltd
  • Ornua Co-operative Limited
  • Charotar Casein Company
  • Erie Foods International, Inc.
  • Clover Fonterra Ingredients Proprietary Limited.
  • FrieslandCampina DMV
  • Farbest Brands.

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Questions by Sodium Caseinate Market:

  1. What are the key market trends and market dynamics?
  2. Who are the major players in the market and what is their market share?
  3. What is the competitive landscape like in the market?
  4. What are the major drivers and restraints affecting the market?
  5. What are the growth opportunities in the market?
  6. What are the regional and local market conditions and consumer behavior?
  7. What is the market size and growth forecast for different regions and countries?
  8. What is the impact of government regulations and policies on the market?

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