Resolution of a bondholders meeting

MILA 300929 – Resolution of a bondholders meeting

6 November 2023

A bondholder meeting for the bond MILA 300929 was held today, approved the following resolution:

  1. Change to the Payment of principal and interest.

The second paragraph of the article Payment of principal and interest of the Bond shall now read as follows:

Principal and interest payments shall be made according to the following schedule:
1)         On the First Payment Date, i.e. 30 March 2023, no principal payment shall be payable. However, a full payment of all interest that has accrued from the Issue Date to the First Payment Date shall be made.
2)         At the next two Payment Dates, i.e. 30 September 2023 and 30 March 2024, no principal payment shall be payable. However, a full payment of all interest accrued until that date but unpaid shall be made.
3)         On each of the following 10 Payment Dates:
a.         principal shall be paid in equal installments as though being repaid pursuant to a 35 year annuity profile; and 
b.         a full payment of all interest accrued until that date but unpaid shall be made.
4)         On the latest Payment Date, falling due on the Final Maturity Date, all outstanding principal and accrued interest amounts shall be paid.

Further information:

Inga Helga Halldórudóttir
Compliance officer
Sunstone IV hf.




2023 11 03 Resolution of a bondholder meeting - Final