BOSTON, Nov. 13, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Elevate Renewables (“Elevate” or the “Company”), a national renewable energy development company is driving critical and strategic innovation in the battery storage industry by developing its battery energy storage systems (“BESS”) within existing, yet aging infrastructure, and brownfield sites – areas of land that have been abandoned, idled, or underused.
Traditional energy infrastructure has relied heavily on thermal generation, resulting in environmental and economic challenges. However, with increasing concerns about climate change and the politicization of fossil fuels, the need for renewable energy sources has become imperative. Elevate Renewables recognizes this urgency and aims to leverage battery storage integration and brownfield site repurposing as key strategies to accelerate the transition to a decarbonized economy while balancing reliability.
Developing utility-scale battery energy storage systems at existing power plants and brownfield locations offers several significant advantages. Firstly, co-locating at existing power plants for energy storage minimizes the need for new land and infrastructure, reducing the environmental impact of construction and land use. This can help conserve valuable natural resources and protect ecosystems that might be disrupted by new developments.
Furthermore, these brownfield locations, which are typically unused or abandoned industrial sites, are often situated close to existing electrical grid infrastructure, reducing the cost and time required to connect the energy storage system to the grid. Brownfields are also very unlikely to be used for other purposes, such as parks or residential developments, due to their historical industrial activities, making them ideal for repurposing as battery storage sites.
This dual use of existing infrastructure can help accelerate the deployment of energy storage solutions and contribute to a more sustainable energy grid, with the potential to enhance grid stability and resilience while facilitating the integration of renewable energy sources.
“Energy storage technology has transformed the way we manage and utilize electricity. With continuous advancements and a strategic focus on problem-solving, the energy storage industry is set for remarkable growth,” stated Eric Cherniss, Elevate’s founder and Head of Development. “The ability to store electricity efficiently will not only enhance the reliability and stability of the grid but also enable the integration of renewable energy sources on a larger scale. By harnessing the power of energy storage, we can create a more sustainable and resilient energy system for the benefit of our communities and the environment,” added Cherniss.
The energy storage industry is on the cusp of a remarkable expansion, driven by the ability to store electricity efficiently. The key to capitalizing on this potential lies in strategically developing energy storage solutions in areas of the grid where storage can solve existing problems while avoiding the creation of others. By identifying these specific areas, we can unlock the full potential of energy storage technology and reap its benefits for our communities and the grid.
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Elevate Renewables, a national renewable energy development company, specializes in strategically deploying BESS resources co-located at existing large generation facilities owned by private equity funds managed by ArcLight Capital Partners. Elevate Renewables is developing co-located battery storage projects at ArcLight’s 25GW power infrastructure portfolio. Additionally, Elevate has a brownfield development pipeline of approximately 5GW at over twenty-five project locations.
Elevate is also active in energy markets throughout the U.S. where the rapid growth of intermittent renewable energy, such as solar and on- and off-shore wind, has created a need for flexible, dispatchable renewable energy which can uniquely be met by utility-scale battery storage.
For more information about Elevate Renewables and our groundbreaking BESS initiatives, please visit
Company Contact:
Market & Media Communications
Elevate Renewables
200 Clarendon Street, FL 55
Boston, MA 02116
Direct: (585) 232-5440