HALIFAX, Nova Scotia, Dec. 02, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- As the strike enters its third week, support for Sobeys’ Pete’s Frootique workers in Halifax continues to grow. A recorded message of solidarity from Jagmeet Singh, leader of the federal NDP, will be played at the rally.
WHAT: Solidarity Rally
WHEN: TODAY. Saturday December 2, from 1 pm – 2 pm AT.
WHERE: Pete’s Frootique, 1515 Dresden Row, Halifax
Several political, labour and community leaders are expected to speak, including NSNDP Leader Claudia Chender. Other members of the NSNDP Caucus will also be in attendance in support of the SEIU Local 2 members.
Food prices have skyrocketed, far beyond rates of inflation. Many Canadians are struggling, paying over 20% more for groceries than they did three years ago. Grocers like Sobeys have increased prices more than necessary and are profiteering – they just had their highest 10-year profit margin ever last year. Sobeys Empire CEO Michael Medline took home over $8.6 million in 2022. Meanwhile, workers at Pete’s Frootique are paid minimum wage and Sobeys’ last offer would provide most employees with a shameful 5₵ per hour increase.
For information about the workers’ efforts to win a fair contract from Sobeys, owners of Pete’s Frootique, visit www.PetesOnStrike.ca.
Find photos on our Social Media accounts.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seiu_local2/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SEIULocal2/
SEIU Local 2 represents 20,000 workers in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta. We are proud members of the largest, fastest growing, and most dynamic union in North America.
Media Contact: Diego Mendez 416-476-7762 dmendez@seiulocal2.ca