Dublin, Dec. 08, 2023 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The "European Wood Pellets Market Outlook to 2030" report has been added to ResearchAndMarkets.com's offering.
The European wood pellet market is currently experiencing renewed growth, driven by factors such as gas shortages, rising carbon prices, and EU energy policies. The report analyzes the market forces that will shape the industry until 2030 and explores the challenges and opportunities faced by players across the value chain.
Key Questions Addressed by the Report:
- How will European wood pellet demand evolve from 2023 to 2030?
- What is the expected growth in demand by market segment, and where will the supply come from?
- What are the primary drivers of wood pellet prices?
- How much wood pellets will Europe need to import from other regions?
- What is the current raw material mix for European pellet production, and how might it change?
- What are the cost and availability of alternative raw materials for pellets?
- What is the likely evolution of the European pellet market until 2030?
- What are the implications of tighter raw material markets for suppliers and buyers?
The European wood pellet market has witnessed significant turbulence over the past 18 months, resulting in notable effects on wood pellet markets. Factors like the Ukraine conflict leading to a gas shortage, soaring gas and power prices, and EU energy policies have all played a role. The demand for wood pellets in the residential heating sector surged as a cost-effective alternative, driving up both pellet and raw material prices.
Europe remains the largest global market for wood pellets, representing approximately 70% of global demand in 2022. The market's value is estimated at around USD 8 billion, with consistent growth over the past decade. Europe is also the largest export market for wood pellets, making it crucial for exporters in the US and Canada.
The report highlights the challenges and opportunities presented by factors like rising carbon emission prices, renewable energy targets, and the evolving energy landscape. It forecasts a 3.6% annual growth in European pellet demand from 2022 to 2030. The growth will be driven by residential heating, non-residential heating, and power generation.
European pellet producers rely on sawmill residues, primarily sawdust and shavings, which represent over 80% of raw materials used in pellet production. However, competition for these residues is expected to increase, potentially impacting other industries like wood panel and pulp and paper.
Looking ahead to 2030, the report emphasizes the continued importance of EU renewable energy policies in driving pellet demand. Despite the growing significance of wind, solar, and heat pumps, biomass, including wood pellets, will remain central to the clean energy transition until at least 2030.
Key Topics Covered:
The importance of European pellets
Forces driving pellet demand growth
- Demand drivers for wood pellets in Europe - overview and discussion
- EU greenhouse gas emissions and renewable energy targets 1990-2050
- EU renewable energy targets by member state 2020, 2030
- EU GDP, energy demand, and energy efficiency 2000-30
- EU energy supply by source; renewable vs. other 2000-30
- EU renewable energy supply 2000-20 by source, including biomass
- EU forecast renewable energy by source to 2050, including biomass
- Wood pellet advantages / disadvantages vs. unprocessed biomass
- Wood pellet value proposition vs. alternatives in main applications
- Levelised cost of electricity for biomass vs. other renewables
- Breakeven price for coal and carbon vs. pellets in power plants 2023 Q1
- Residential heating costs, pellets vs. alternatives 2010-24
- Other advantages of pellets; geopolitical, safety, supply volatility
Demand outlook
- European pellet demand by region 2012-22e
- Global pellet demand by region and segment, 2022e
- European pellet demand by segment 2022e and growth 2014-22e
- European pellet demand by segment and region 2022e
- Residential energy demand, population, households and energy efficiency 2000-21
- Residential energy demand by source 2001-21, including biomass
- Pellets share of biomass in residential heating 2005-22e, by region in 2021
- Input energy costs for residential heating, Austria 2010-23
- Non-residential building stock 1990-2025e, by type in 2021
- Non-residential energy demand by source 2001-21, including biomass
- Pellets share of biomass in non-residential heating 2005-22e
- Energy sector electricity and heat generation by fuel 2000-21
- Biomass share of energy sector fuel, by plant type and by region
- Biomass penetration and growth in energy sector by plant type and region
- Biomass demand in energy sector by plant type and region
- Pellets share of biomass in energy sector 2005-21, by region 2021
- Pellet price vs. cost of coal and carbon in power generation 2014-23
- European coal power generation by country 2000-21
- Major pellet conversions expected in European energy sector
- European pellet demand forecast to 2030 by market segment
- Potential for new pellet applications in steel, cement, BECCs
Price dynamics
- European vs. global pellet prices
- European pellet price trends by grade and region
- Impact of natural gas prices
Supply potential and role of imports
- European wood pellet supply; production and net import 2012-22
- European wood pellet demand, production and net import by segment 2022e
- Wood pellet costs delivered UK / Benelux by key supply country, 2023 Q2
- European pellet producers; market focus, raw materials, integration
- Market concentration of European wood pellet producers
- European wood pellet production by region 2012-22
- Largest pellet-producing countries in Europe, size, growth, share
- Leading European pellet producers, 2023
- European wood pellet balance 2022e; production, import, export, demand
- Largest European pellet exporting countries, export destination 2022
- Largest European pellet importing countries, import source 2022
- European pellet imports from largest sources, 2013-22
- Update on Enviva financial situation and potential impact on markets
- Projected European pellet production and import to 2030 (scenarios)
- EU renewable energy directive and implications for pellet suppliers
Raw materials and sourcing
- European pellet raw materials; description and share in 2022e
- Pellet raw material mix by country, 2021
- Trends in pellet raw material mix, 2018-22e
- Impact of lumber (sawnwood) demand on pellet raw material supply
- Swedish bioenergy raw material prices 2000-23
- Raw material types; characteristics, value hierarchy, end-users
- Wood purchasing power of pellets vs. other key users
- Pulplogs vs. sawdust prices, Austria and Sweden 2010-23
- Sawdust supply and demand dynamics
- Sawdust prices in Sweden and Austria 2010-23
- Sawdust supply and demand in 2022, development of key drivers
- Alternative raw materials for European pellets; cost and supply potential
- European recycled wood supply and demand
- Recovered wood grades and uses
- European forest residue supply potential by type
- Forest residue generation and utilization (Sweden example)
- European energy crops supply potential and typical cost structure
Future scenarios and implications
- Key uncertainties for pellet markets to 2030, link to scenarios
- Carbon emissions prices on leading exchanges globally 2008-23
- EU sustainability initiatives and potential impact on wood supply
- Forecast European softwood lumber demand to 2025
- US pellet production and export to EU, 2012-22
- Expected US pellet capacity expansion
- Scenarios for EU wood pellet market to 2030
- Implications for players throughout the pellet value chain
- Development of Sweden pulpwood vs. bioenergy prices 1995-2023
- Black pellets: advantages and examples of recent investments
For more information about this report visit https://www.researchandmarkets.com/r/k2menw
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