LOS ANGELES, Feb. 02, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc. (CAP) announced that A.M. Best has reaffirmed its A+ (Superior) rating for the Mutual Protection Trust (MPT), California's second-largest provider of physician professional liability coverage. MPT has consistently achieved this rating from A.M. Best since 2006.
A.M. Best once again recognized MPT for “maintaining the strongest level of risk-adjusted capitalization,” signifying its solid financial standing to withstand potential risks and uncertainties. The A+ rating exemplifies MPT’s ongoing ability to fulfill its financial obligations to its nearly 13,000 physician members.
“We are proud to consistently earn this A+ (Superior) rating,” said CAP CEO Sarah Scher. “It reinforces CAP’s status as a leader in the California medical malpractice coverage market and further demonstrates our commitment to ensuring our members receive exceptional protection they can trust.”
A.M. Best also acknowledged the financial strength of Cooperative of American Physicians Insurance Company (CAPIC), which earned a rating of A- (Excellent). CAPIC is a wholly owned subsidiary of CAP and provides medical malpractice coverage tailored to large medical groups, reinsurance, and other benefits to its physician members.
A.M. Best is the oldest and most widely recognized independent provider of financial ratings and information, with an exclusive focus on the insurance industry. A.M. Best’s credit ratings are internationally recognized and summarize an organization’s ability to pay claims, debts, and other financial obligations in a timely manner. For more information on A.M. Best and its rating criteria, visit www.ambest.com.
About the Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc.
The Cooperative of American Physicians, Inc. (CAP), established in 1975, offers superior medical professional liability coverage to California’s finest physicians through the Mutual Protection Trust (MPT). Cooperative of American Physicians Insurance Company (CAPIC), an Arizona-domiciled surplus lines insurance company, provides medical professional liability coverage to large medical groups and is a non-admitted carrier. CAP supports its members through offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, Orange County, and Walnut Creek. CAP is licensed as a California surplus lines broker (License No. 0B72723). For more information, visit www.CAPphysicians.com.
Contact: Ernest Khirallah